Draw on Screen ??

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by JoeMaximum, Feb 1, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Is it possible to draw/write on screen?

    For example, i saw the adventurecraft plugin with his world editor, and there was a neat thing that was showing "selected" bloc with a small orange outline.

    Another example, a paint tool, when your are in paint mode, it write somewhere on the screen :
    "PaintMode ON".
    "Paint : COBBLESTONE".

    Is it possible to do this in Bukkit/Craftbukkit ?
    If its not possible, is there a possible way that could be implemented, or is it totally impossible?
  2. Offline


    You mean like using your mouse do draw a sketch on your screen and thet it would get filled? That would need a client mod also, so bukkit cannot help you directly.
  3. Offline


    No, i would like to be able to write text directly in the GUI or draw line/rectangle etc...
    --- merged: Feb 1, 2011 4:42 PM ---
    Lets say im looking at a block, but that block is far from my normal reach distance.
    That block, will not have the little black outline meaning that this is the currently "selected" block im looking at.
    I would like to replicate this behavior for longer distance.

    Like in singleplayer, if you change the BlockReachDistance, then look at a block further than 5 block away, it will still be outlined so you can see that this block is the currently "looked at" one.

    Hope its clear :)
  4. Offline


    I still don't get it, but maybe it's me :)
    Do you want to type "/draw line" (possible) or just draw a line somehow (like in paint program)? Now what that has to do with reaching blocks (which could be done, but without the outline I think).
  5. Offline


    Thats what i want to "replicate" the outline !!
    --- merged: Feb 1, 2011 4:58 PM ---
    and yes, a bit like in paint.
  6. Offline


    Oooooh, you want to draw on the user screen FROM bukkit server :D That cannot be done, but support for text and stuff to put on user screen was debated on the mojang meeting IIRC, so maybe in the future minecraft will have the facility for this.
  7. Offline


    Great, i'll wait to see if its ever going to be implemented then.
    Thanks !
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