Dont know the name of a npc copy of yourself plugin

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Qunite, Oct 8, 2013.

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    Hello people

    I am new to this forum as you can see.

    I am creating my own tekkit classic server at the moment but im in need of help.

    Basically i was a moderator on 1 of my previous server's but they ended due to thinking tekkit classic was dying but i dont care about that.

    On there server they had made a staff HQ building which basically had a stand with an npc version of there character that just stands still and looks at the player thats near by and follow's there movements.

    the npc copy doesn't move from the spot it was selected so i was wondering does anyone know the name of this plugin?

    If you can help i appreciate this alot.

    Thank you
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