Domains And IPS!!!!! HELP!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by GodBlokker98, May 8, 2014.

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    Hello. I recently Purchased 2 domains and I need help figuring out how to link them to my minecraft server! The Two Domains I bought were: ADPVP.COM and EVASIVEMC.COM and i want to know how to point them to my server. Please add me on Skype if you are able to help: alex.park39
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    Go to your DNS settings and change the A pointer to your IP address.
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    And lets hope the IP you have is static....not dynamic and ever-changing. :) But if it is dynamic, check out and if you don't know which it is, it'll be dynamic cause you typically have to pay $$ for a static IP.

    PS - Lolmewn is super-awesome (not being gay, just pure admiration LoL)
    Lolmewn likes this.
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    Yea, I have it pointed towards my IP, But what Do i put for "Host name?"
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    GodBlokker98 Could you make a screenshot? Not too sure what's going on here...
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