Do I need to check the command?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by JazzaG, Sep 16, 2012.

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    I'm too tired and lazy to test this, so hopefully you can answer it.

    If I have a class dedicated to executing a command, and I set the executor in my plugin's onEnable() method, do I have to check that the command equals the command?

    For example:

    Main class
    public void onEnable() {
        getCommand("command").setExecutor(new Commandthingy());
    The executor
    public class Commandthingy implements CommandExecutor {
    public boolean onCommand(...) {
        // Not checking if command.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("command") because yolo
        if(!(sender instanceof Player)) {
            return true;
        // the rest of command logic
    In my command class, I didn't check if the command matches what I want it to, but seeing as I specified the executor in onEnable(), does that mean I don't have to?
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    Short answer: No
    Long answer: see short answer
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    I'm too tired and lazy to answer this, so hopefully you can test it. <<< see what I did there.
    JazzaG likes this.
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