"Disconnect.spam" - People aren't spamming, just typing quickly.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by btrilla, Feb 12, 2013.

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  1. Alright, thanks for the info :). I think the relevant information about this has been shared already.
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    We are using be the mob on the server I am working on and TabAPI both usebkcommonlib, so I think this may be the problem, in fact I'm very sure it is.
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    Get that crap off your server.
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    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    Remove BKCommonLib or BeTheMob if you have them. Those are both reported as causing the problem.

    The plugin author is recklessly playing with the internals of CraftBukkit without adequately testing, and is breaking your servers. This dangerous development approach and breaking of servers has been ongoing for months. I would suggest finding new plugins to replace those using BKCommonLib.
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    So I just updated 5 of my plugins this morning and my users are all now complaining of massive amounts of disconnect.spam kicks. My users are very good about complaining so I'm confident the problem came as the result of the 5 plugin updates. I rolled them back one by one with server restarts and user testing.

    I can say that when I rolled BKCommonLib back to v1.45 from v1.48 the problem went away. If you would like to see my full plugin list, visit: http://pastebin.com/riMetViJ
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