Disable Socialspy for Certain People

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by brinaq, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Hello, I would like to know if somebody can create a plugin which has a permission node which you add to a player, and admins can no longer socialspy with Essentials on them, like their private messages and commands. The reason is because I have an admin which is able to socialspy to detect hackers/cheaters but they can also see all my private messages which I don't want them to. I would like the permission node not to default to anyone, so I can see Admin's socialspy but he cannot see mine.
    Also make sure that it blocks incoming and outgoing messages to that user with the permission node.

    And of course if there already is something like this I would be quite happy if you posted a link. I have been searching to no avail so far.
    so basically I want them to be able to socialspy everyone but me
  2. Offline


    with your permissions plugin do
    - - essentials.socialspy
    that will take the permission away from them :)
  3. Offline


    Yes but i want him to be able to socialspy everyone but me
  4. Offline


    Oh okay sorry i misread it seems too simple though thats why noone has offered.
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    Anyone can help me with this? If it's simple it wont take too much of your time...
  7. Offline


    Edit their essentials UserData file to turn social spy from true to false...
  8. Offline


    My userdata file or theirs? Because if it's theirs that would disable them socialspying, and if you meant my userdata, well I did try that and it did not work. I'm not sure what really changed when I did.
  9. Offline


    Can you read sir?

    And brinaq you will have to ask the essentials developers for this, as it is not possible with the current plugin.
  10. Offline


    Ok thanks, I have been asking around in the IRC but I will probably just open a ticket as they usually get more replies.

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