Detecting what kind of potion

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CarPet, Oct 21, 2012.

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    Is there anyway to detect if a player is splashed with a poison potion and if it was a poison potion then don't take damage?

    Please paste your code if you find an answer thanks:D
  2. EntityDamageByEntityEvent -> check if the damaging entity is a ThrownPotion -> get the effects from the thrown potion -> check if one of them is the posion effect. Then do what you want with it.
  3. Offline


    That event doesn't get called when a player gets damaged by a splash potion, however the code below should work for what he wants.
    public void onPotionSplashEvent(PotionSplashEvent event) {
      for(PotionEffect pe : event.getPotion().getEffects()) {
        for(LivingEntity le : event.getAffectedEntities()) {
          if(pe.getType().equals(PotionEffectType.POISON) && le instanceof Player) {
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    or you can use the EntityDamageEvent and get the DamageCause.
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    You could stop poison damage like that, but you could not determine whether or not the poison damage happened because of a splash potion.
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    I thought he meaned the Detection of Damage caused by Potions in general.
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