Solved Deserialize a string to an itemstack

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Dark_Narcosis, Feb 10, 2020.

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    In currently trying to save a players inventory as a single string using the following code. I'm able to save the players inventory, however, after looking into this for a while i haven't quite figured out how to deserialize the string back into an ItemStack.

    I'm using this to save a players inventory to a mySQL database so that their inventory can be shared across servers.

    public void saveInv(Player player){
            String items = "";
            // get all items in players inventory
            for(int slot = 0 ; slot < player.getInventory().getSize() ; slot++){
                // check if item is null
                if(player.getInventory().getItem(slot) != null){
                    // get the ItemStack
                    ItemStack item = player.getInventory().getItem(slot);
                    Map<String, Object> serializedMap = item.serialize();
                    String itemStackString = String.valueOf(serializedMap);
                    if(slot == player.getInventory().getSize()-1){
                        items = items+itemStackString;
                        items = items+itemStackString+"##";
                    if(slot == player.getInventory().getSize()-1){
                        items = items+"null";
                        items = items+"null"+"##";
            // save string in mySQL database
            setValueString(player.getUniqueId().toString(), "INVENTORY", items);
    String Outputted (open)

    {v=1976, type=LEATHER_LEGGINGS, meta=LEATHER_ARMOR_META:{meta-type=LEATHER_ARMOR, display-name=423 THORNSWEPT PANTS (Exotic), lore=[, +10 Health, +8 Defence, +8 Strength, +8% Recovery, +3% Mobility, +7 Energy, , (drop to dismantle), , (Right-Click to equip)], attribute-modifiers={GENERIC_ARMOR_TOUGHNESS=[AttributeModifier{uuid=00000000-0000-0b38-0000-0000000da6be, name=generic.armorToughness, operation=ADD_NUMBER, amount=0.0, slot=}], GENERIC_ARMOR=[AttributeModifier{uuid=00000000-0000-0b38-0000-0000000da6be, name=generic.armor, operation=ADD_NUMBER, amount=0.0, slot=}]}, ItemFlags=[HIDE_ENCHANTS, HIDE_ATTRIBUTES, HIDE_UNBREAKABLE, HIDE_DESTROYS, HIDE_PLACED_ON, HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS], Unbreakable=true}}##{v=1976, type=BOW, meta=UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=499 ROBUST BOW (Legendary), lore=[, +86 Damage, +4.0 Attack Speed, +7% Crit Chance, +18% Crit Damage, +11 Energy, , (drop to dismantle), , (Right-Click to equip)], enchants={ARROW_INFINITE=1}, ItemFlags=[HIDE_ENCHANTS, HIDE_ATTRIBUTES, HIDE_UNBREAKABLE, HIDE_DESTROYS, HIDE_PLACED_ON, HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS], Unbreakable=true}}##{v=1976, type=STONE_SWORD, meta=UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=500 ROBUST SWORD (Legendary), lore=[, +68 Damage, +4.0 Attack Speed, +8% Crit Chance, +2% Crit Damage, +9 Energy, , (drop to dismantle), , (Right-Click to equip)], ItemFlags=[HIDE_ENCHANTS, HIDE_ATTRIBUTES, HIDE_UNBREAKABLE, HIDE_DESTROYS, HIDE_PLACED_ON, HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS], Unbreakable=true}}##{v=1976, type=STONE_SWORD, meta=UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=500 ROBUST SWORD (Legendary), lore=[, +43 Damage, +3.0 Attack Speed, +15% Crit Chance, +6% Crit Damage, +11 Energy, , (drop to dismantle), , (Right-Click to equip)], ItemFlags=[HIDE_ENCHANTS, HIDE_ATTRIBUTES, HIDE_UNBREAKABLE, HIDE_DESTROYS, HIDE_PLACED_ON, HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS], Unbreakable=true}}##{v=1976, type=STONE_SWORD, meta=UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=499 FLORAL SWORD (Exotic), lore=[, +79 Damage, +3.0 Attack Speed, +14% Crit Chance, +15% Crit Damage, +20 Energy, , (drop to dismantle), ], enchants={DAMAGE_ALL=3, FIRE_ASPECT=2}, ItemFlags=[HIDE_ENCHANTS, HIDE_ATTRIBUTES, HIDE_UNBREAKABLE, HIDE_DESTROYS, HIDE_PLACED_ON, HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS], Unbreakable=true}}##{v=1976, type=BOW, meta=UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=500 ROBUST BOW (Legendary), lore=[, +20 Damage, +4.0 Attack Speed, +17% Crit Chance, +14% Crit Damage, +4 Energy, , (drop to dismantle), ], enchants={ARROW_INFINITE=1}, ItemFlags=[HIDE_ENCHANTS, HIDE_ATTRIBUTES, HIDE_UNBREAKABLE, HIDE_DESTROYS, HIDE_PLACED_ON, HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS], Unbreakable=true}}##{v=1976, type=STONE_SWORD, meta=UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=488 ROBUST SWORD (Legendary), lore=[, +96 Damage, +2.0 Attack Speed, +15% Crit Chance, +14% Crit Damage, +14 Energy, , (drop to dismantle), , (Right-Click to equip)], ItemFlags=[HIDE_ENCHANTS, HIDE_ATTRIBUTES, HIDE_UNBREAKABLE, HIDE_DESTROYS, HIDE_PLACED_ON, HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS], Unbreakable=true}}##{v=1976, type=GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE, meta=UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name= }}##{v=1976, type=LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, meta=LEATHER_ARMOR_META:{meta-type=LEATHER_ARMOR, display-name=500 LPLATE CHESTPIECE (Legendary), lore=[, +8 Health, +9 Defence, +3 Strength, +2% Recovery, +1% Mobility, +10 Energy, , (drop to dismantle), , (Right-Click to equip)], attribute-modifiers={GENERIC_ARMOR_TOUGHNESS=[AttributeModifier{uuid=00000000-0000-0b38-0000-0000000da6be, name=generic.armorToughness, operation=ADD_NUMBER, amount=0.0, slot=}], GENERIC_ARMOR=[AttributeModifier{uuid=00000000-0000-0b38-0000-0000000da6be, name=generic.armor, operation=ADD_NUMBER, amount=0.0, slot=}]}, ItemFlags=[HIDE_ENCHANTS, HIDE_ATTRIBUTES, HIDE_UNBREAKABLE, HIDE_DESTROYS, HIDE_PLACED_ON, HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS], Unbreakable=true}}##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##null##{v=1976, type=LEATHER_LEGGINGS, meta=LEATHER_ARMOR_META:{meta-type=LEATHER_ARMOR, display-name=500 LPLATE PANTS (Legendary), lore=[, +7 Health, +8 Defence, +10 Strength, +8% Recovery, +4% Mobility, +2 Energy, , (drop to dismantle), ], attribute-modifiers={GENERIC_ARMOR_TOUGHNESS=[AttributeModifier{uuid=00000000-0000-0b38-0000-0000000da6be, name=generic.armorToughness, operation=ADD_NUMBER, amount=0.0, slot=}], GENERIC_ARMOR=[AttributeModifier{uuid=00000000-0000-0b38-0000-0000000da6be, name=generic.armor, operation=ADD_NUMBER, amount=0.0, slot=}]}, ItemFlags=[HIDE_ATTRIBUTES, HIDE_UNBREAKABLE], Unbreakable=true, color=Color:[rgb0x0CC0]}}##{v=1976, type=LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, meta=LEATHER_ARMOR_META:{meta-type=LEATHER_ARMOR, display-name=500 THORNSWEPT CHESTPIECE (Exotic), lore=[, +3 Health, +6 Defence, +9 Strength, +2% Recovery, +5% Mobility, +8 Energy, , (drop to dismantle), ], attribute-modifiers={GENERIC_ARMOR_TOUGHNESS=[AttributeModifier{uuid=00000000-0000-0b38-0000-0000000da6be, name=generic.armorToughness, operation=ADD_NUMBER, amount=0.0, slot=}], GENERIC_ARMOR=[AttributeModifier{uuid=00000000-0000-0b38-0000-0000000da6be, name=generic.armor, operation=ADD_NUMBER, amount=0.0, slot=}]}, ItemFlags=[HIDE_ATTRIBUTES, HIDE_UNBREAKABLE], Unbreakable=true, color=Color:[rgb0xCC00]}}##null##null

    This is the method i'm using to load the inventory:
    public void loadInv(Player player){
            // load string from mySQL database
            if(getValueString(player.getUniqueId().toString(), "INVENTORY") != null){
                String input = getValueString(player.getUniqueId().toString(), "INVENTORY");
                for(int slot = 0 ; slot < player.getInventory().getSize() ; slot++){
                    String[] parts = input.split("##");
                        player.getInventory().setItem(slot, null);
                        //get ItemStack from string and add to players inventory in slot 'slot'
    The documentation for the deserialize states "Required method for configuration serialization", I've soo far been unable to figure it out and spent a fair while googling alternatives all with no success

    I have found this method online, yet i'm still struggling to work out how to convert the string i have into a hashmap.
     Map<String, Object> itemStackMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                    ItemStack item = ItemStack.deserialize(itemStackMap);
    Any help on how to convert the string im getting back into an ItemStack would be appreciated :)
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2020
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    Dark_Narcosis likes this.
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    I've managed to get a method working using that link, Thanks a lot for that! :)

    If anyone is interested here is the methods i'm using:

    Saving the Inventory:
    public void saveInv(Player player){
            String items = "";
            //get all items in players inventory
            for(int slot = 0 ; slot < player.getInventory().getSize() ; slot++){
                //check if slot is empty
                if(player.getInventory().getItem(slot) != null){
                    //get item in slot
                    ItemStack item = player.getInventory().getItem(slot);
                    String itemStackString = "";
                    //encode the item into a string
                    try {
                        ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        BukkitObjectOutputStream dataOutput = new BukkitObjectOutputStream(outputStream);
                        itemStackString = Base64Coder.encodeLines(outputStream.toByteArray());
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to save item stacks.", e);
                    if(slot == player.getInventory().getSize()-1){
                        items = items+itemStackString;
                        items = items+itemStackString+"##";
                    if(slot == player.getInventory().getSize()-1){
                        items = items+"null";
                        items = items+"null"+"##";
            setValueString(player.getUniqueId().toString(), "INVENTORY", items);
    Loading the inventory:
    public void loadInv(Player player) throws IOException {
            //get inventory from mySQL
            if(getValueString(player.getUniqueId().toString(), "INVENTORY") != null){
                //get stored string
                String input = getValueString(player.getUniqueId().toString(), "INVENTORY");
                //loop through players inv slots
                for(int slot = 0 ; slot < player.getInventory().getSize() ; slot++){
                    String[] parts = input.split("##");
                    String itemString = parts[slot];
                    //check if slot from saved inventory was empty
                        player.getInventory().setItem(slot, null);
                        ItemStack itemtoreturn = new ItemStack(Material.AIR);
                        //decode the string back to an itemstack
                        try {
                            ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64Coder.decodeLines(itemString));
                            BukkitObjectInputStream dataInput = new BukkitObjectInputStream(inputStream);
                            itemtoreturn = (ItemStack) dataInput.readObject();
                        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                            throw new IOException("Unable to decode class type.", e);
                        player.getInventory().setItem(slot, itemtoreturn);
    The only downside to this is that it creates a very long string (about 50000 characters long) and may cause a lot of lag saving and reading this. The method i used before was much shorter (Around 5000 characters). If there was a way of using that the i would prefer it, however, this works for now.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2020
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    It's not that big a deal. Even if you were using a clunky old 5400 RPM hard drive, getting 100 MBps, you'd read the data in 500 microseconds. That's micro seconds, not milliseconds. It'd be 0.5 milliseconds, and that's on a crappy drive.

    On my Samsung 970 Pro SSD, it'd be about 0.016 ms. I really don't think that's gonna be a problem lol
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