Solved Delete all player data (as if he had never played)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Goty_Metal, Feb 14, 2013.

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  1. Just that! i want to remove all data from the player, to make the server detect him/her as new player :)
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    Easy. Go into the world folder inside your server directory, go to players, find the player you want to remove and delete their .dat file.

    Edit: If you have multiple "worlds", you may need to do the same in those places. Including The Nether and The End.

    Edit 2: Are you asking from a plugin development point?
  3. Yes i'm asking about deleting it from a plugin, well i can list the worlds and then search in the serve folder for those world names, search the player datas and remove them, but i'm asking if bukkit has something in it's api to do it faster, by the way thanks for your answer :)
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