I have Player player = event.getPlayer(); int fx = 61; int fy = 65; int fz = -1040; World world = Bukkit.getWorld("Lobby"); Location Zombie = new Location(world, fx, fy, fz); Entity Bill = player.getWorld().spawnEntity(Zombie, EntityType.ZOMBIE); ((LivingEntity)Bill).setCustomName(ChatColor.BOLD + "" + ChatColor.RED + "Bill"); ((LivingEntity)Bill).setCustomNameVisible(true); if (event.getRightClicked().getPassenger() == Bill){ but how would I make it so it doesnt create a new zombie. How would I declare a zombie with that instead of having to create Bill each time. Cant I just declare bill.
Your question is a bit vague. Do you want to use an existing zombie? You can get a right clicked entity in PlayerInteractEvent for example. Then check if the right clicked entity is a living entity and if so, cast it to LivingEntity. Then you can apply your changes. But there are also other ways of getting mobs.