While I love DeathTpPlus and still using it, I expect without a dev it will eventually stop working. Also tried these, but no updates in a long time and seem to have a few bugs/errors. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/deathchests http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/deathchest Plugin category: Antigrief / Fun Suggested name: DeathChests+ What I want: When you get killed by a player/mob you drop a Deathchest. The Deathchest is locked for X time, once that time has passed any player can open it. Also after X time the chest will just break and items will drop out. Deathchest will not drop a chest where a player has no build rights. (Worlguard, Factions, etc) Ideas for commands: No commands Ideas for permissions: deathchest.small deathchest.large When I'd like it by: When ever is possible. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future versions or source code for others to add. /deathchest - Teleports you to your Deathchest /deathchest NAME - Teleports self/players to Deathchest deathchest.self deathchest.tp Death messages to go along with it.
Have you checked out deathchest, does some of what you want, i use it to create a fixed tomb with chests in it http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/deathchest/
I have tried it, and prefer DeathTpPlus over it since its working fine and more up to date. It is on the heavy side cause a bunch of features i don't plan on using. Example the economy, dynmap, tomb signs, irc, killstreaks, is not being used right now. Which is why I prefer something new and lightweight. Wish I did use all that, but I would have to do a overhaul and right now i can't I am trying to expand in other aspects of the game. Maybe in the future I will cause I really like most of those things.
This sounds fun. Ill attempt it. I won't be able to work on it nonstop, but maybe by next weekend I might have something. Do you want the chest to just break after X time or for anybody to open it and not have the chest break after X time?
Sorry didn't get an alert that you replied, I should change that. (looks into settings) Example: I die by any cause I will drop a deathchest. The deathchest will be locked for 4mins, nobody but myself can open it. After 8 minutes the chest will get destroyed and the contents will fall out. You can hook into LWC I suppose, or have your own locking mechanism. Thanks for giving this a try, no rush since I am using something till a lightweight/updated version of this type of plugin is released.
I've made a bukkitdev project for this here. Feel free to check it out. I should be done in a few hours. v0.1.0 is done! Please report any bugs on the issue tracker! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Bump! FunnyGopher I know you have been busy, just it has a good amount of bugs. I'll report them all when your back, you seem to be tied up which is understandable and I hope everything is ok with you.
You would be right. I'm completely free for a long while after the 15th (school). Sorry for the inconvenience, all of my projects have accumulated a lot of reports of the time I've been dead. Thanks for sticking with me.
No worries, I know how it feels to be tied up with real life. Work is kicking my ass and keeping me for overtime while we work on a special project. School > Minecraft