Death Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by mountainlion88, May 18, 2013.

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    On my server I can't die unless I type /kill mountainlion88 in the console. Even /suicide doesn't work. Please help!
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    start up log, plugins...
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    for plugins i have: BetterAlias, Minestats, WorldEdit, PowerTool, Skygrid, Simple-AutoSave, CompassNavigation, dhmcDeath, Carz, Vault, PlotMe, Multiverse-Core, PermissionsEx, CubeGenetics, WorldGuard, GlobalMarket, TelePads, iConomy, CoreProtect, Trampoline, CrackShot, WhatIsIt, Lockette, ProtocolLib, MonsterBox, Essentials, Lift, floAuction, EssentialsSpawn, Multiverse-Portals, TagAPI, VanishNoPacket, ScoreboardStats, DisguiseCraft, pvparena, EssentialsChat
    I think it might have something to do with minestats, because before i updated it, I would always get an error saying something like: Could not pass event "PlayerDeathEvent" to Minestats
  4. Offline


    Did you /op yourself? Some plugins default to /god Operators. I had that with WorldGuard quite a long time ago. Check your plugins that can make you invincible, one of them probably is the culprit.
  5. Offline


    i dont use /op i use pex but ill check invincibility plugins... Thanks!
  6. Offline


    If you are in GameMode 1 you cannot kill yourself. Also check for /god.
  7. Offline


    I know that you cant die in creative mode... Also I narrowed it down to the plugin Essentials, but i can't find what i did wrong in the config
  8. Offline


    Do you have -essentials.suicide in the rank you are in? If not in-game you can do /pex group <group name> add essentials.suicide
  9. Offline


    i have essentials.* in the owner group which i'm in.but thats not the problem.. the problem is that i cant die from anything...
  10. Offline


    When you type this command, what comes up in Console?
  11. Offline


    when i type /kill mountainlion88 from the console it says: 21:07:08 [INFO] Killed [OWNER]iiFlameii.
    when i type /kill mountainlion88 from Minecraft itself it says: 21:08:03 [INFO] mountainlion88 issued server command: /kill mountainlion88
    when i type /suicide from Minecraft itself it says: 21:09:33 [INFO] mountainlion88 issued server command: /suicide
    but when i fall into the void or go in lava or anything like that... I get nothing on the console
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    I know it's essentials,though because i deleted it and i was able to die. I opened a ticket with essentials...
  14. Offline


    replied to ticket, will continue this on there.
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