DC Money

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Leonator05, Mar 19, 2016.

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    Name: DC-Money
    What: This plugin will drop %10 of the players cash to a golden nugget when they die it will show how much there is on the floor on top with a sorta hologram.
    Also this will work for mobs, they drop random from $3-20
    Permission: DC.Pickup
  2. Offline


    What economy system do you use?
  3. Offline


    Use vault.
  4. Offline


    Yeah, realized that after i posted that. lmao
  5. Offline


    Sounds interesting, i look into it.

    Edit: @Leonator05 its done, here you are.

    But without this permission you said, because im not really sure what it should do. Should it make the players be able to drop money on death? Or that they can pickup money? What makes less sense, if you die and cant pickup your lost money...

    Something about the config:

    pickup message is what tells you that you picked up some money. The "(money)" is the place where the amount will be put in. Example: "You have found 5.25 Dollar!".

    money name is the name of the currency. Example: Dollar, $, €, Coins...

    If changes are needed just tell me, i hope it fits what you need.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
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