Dangerous Bukkit Feature - Warning

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Mrchasez, Apr 6, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    One question.
    Why do you have over a thousand commands? Better yet, do you even use half of them? I bet you don't. Use logical examples, thanks.
  2. Offline


    You can easily block all commands using the plugin:cmd feature. For example listen to PlayerCommandPreProcessEvent and split it and check if the first string contains :
  3. I think this thread was not about what can be done now, but what changed ~ implying that one can't just use all "old" plugins without having those checked/updated, main points are:

    In essence one should read the announcements and make sure one has understood the consequences of changes, also one should not reflex update, also not to releases for the same MC version. To get that in time to be able to update early to a release one would need to have someone being able and having the time to read all the commits on the Bukkit project, so after all it would be nice to have .... a) an early announcement before release, and b) labels or tags for such changes with convenient search feature, to find the big ones needed to check for, when updating from version X to version Y.

    I am trying to make my point shorter with every post, should be at one line around next Christmas :p.
  4. Offline


    /{plugin}:{command} has been around for ages. I remember discovering it over a year ago.
  5. Offline


    Mrchasez Bukkit isnt stupid theres a perm for all of these commands... Just negate the permissions
  6. Lol, shame on me :p - hard to find something that does not repeat things :p, the prefixes get registered already here: https://github.com/Bukkit/Bukkit/commit/b76de1ee242627536cc27ac463e3df9b727704eb

    Though others could've hinted at that as well a little earlier. I am not sure why the thread-starter had the permission problem "suddenly" though, it was claimed a) there is now a difference b) permission was denied. Probably it's just come to awareness of more players now, so some server owners are forced to notice late.
  7. Offline


    That's not adequate if you need to prevent the use of commands in parts of a world but not others.
  8. Actually does anyone know if the fallBackPrefix:cmd was accessible for players before 1.7.2 (all since 2011 1?)?
  9. Offline


    I'm not sure if it always worked or only when there was a command conflict before the commands.yml update.
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