
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MadMaxCookie, May 18, 2016.

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    Hello so I had a customrecipe plugin seems already finished
    but I'm asking how do I add a permission

    craft.<itemname> || to craft the item name

    and what's the event name of it ?
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    PrepareItemCraftEvent is triggered whenever a player tries to craft an item. Test if the player has the permission. If the player does not have permission, cancel the event or set the 'result' equal to air.
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    @Zombie_Striker what about this ?

    public void preparecraft(PrepareItemCraftEvent e) {
            Player p = (Player)e.getViewers();
            if(!p.hasPermission("craft." + e.getRecipe().getResult().getItemMeta().getDisplayName())) {
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    @MadMaxCookie e.getViewers() does not return a Player implementation thus casting it to player will result in a ClassCastExceprion. Refer to the docs to see what type it returns and what method returns a player.
    Then, you get the name of the item along with the ItemMeta that can both be null and result in a bull pointer exception, add a null check.
    Other than this your code seems alright.
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