CustomCommandItems [Medium]

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by bingoberraz, Dec 23, 2015.

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    Hello Bukkit.
    This is a plugin request for a plugin that can be useful for anyone. Im requesting this plugin because I love plugins that can do A LOT, but also because I really need it.

    I have tried both of the other plugins that come "close" to what I am requesting and none of them fulfill my needs.
    The first one didn't work any longer (I've tried to reach him about updating it, no response) and the second plugin doesn't have the feature of running it on another player (I talked to the developer about adding it but he didn't seem to want to).

    Now to the request:
    Basically what I want is a plugin that lets me create special items that runs commands when I click with them!

    I want every item I create in the config file to have a ID. This is not visible in config only used for /cci list and /cci give

    I want to be able to config the items with all the features listed below.

    # Means optional and I will gladly accept a plugin that doesn't have all, or any, of these features.

    This plugin will be used on a Swedish server so thereby I would like it to support characters like "åäö" (Utf-8).

    cci give <name|all> <name|id>
    cci list - Show all items in a list, numbered, please!
    cci list 2 - Second page.. and so on.
    #cci.clear - Clear player inventory from CCI's, useful for static.
    cci reload - Reloads plugin
    cci reload config - Reload config

    #cci.bypass.static - [1]
    cci.bypass.cost - [2]
    1. User with this permission can move the item out of the slot. But if a item with the static option set to true is given to the player through a command or picked up this item will still replace the item in their inventory at that position.
    Read further down about the static feature.
    2. The commands executed by the item is free of charge. No cost either money or points!

    I want to be able to config the items with all of the features listed below.


    Name: '&6Example'
    Item: 311 - <id|name>
    Item-name: '&6Example Chestplate'
    - '&3This is an example!'
    - 'This item can execute 2 times'
    - 'Right click with this in hand'
    Item-Enchant: 0:4, 7:10 - This will result in the item having Protection 2 and Thorns 30 (unsafe). Referring to
    Uses: 2 - Can execute command 2 times before removed.
    Money: 200 - Vault
    #Points: 30 - PlayerPoints

    Confirm: 'This will cost you: $200 and 30 Points .&3Right click to confirm'
    - This is an optional string and could be set to 'none' or totally removed from the config. If the item is used on a player this option will be ignored, but the command will still cost money. If the player can't afford send them an error message when they try to hit someone with the item. Cooldown 2 seconds or something.
    Permission: cci.example - to use item

    Note: The config doesn't have to look like this, I just need all of the features explained.

    Command-self: 'op: /give <player> 311 1; /spawn' - This command will give yourself a diamond chestplate AS OP while teleporting you to spawn NOT as op.

    Command-clicked: 'console: /kill <player>; tell: You got rekt; broadcast: <clicked> got rekt by <player>!' - This command will kill the player you click on by executing /kill <clicked> in console while telling the clicked on player "You got rekt" but also broadcast "<clicked> got rekt by <player>".

    Explaination of "tags"
    - This means that the command is run as OP but to use the item you still need appropriate permission stated above!
    console: - Same as 'op:' but from console.
    <player> - Placeholder for the player who uses the item.
    <clicked> - Placeholder for the player who was clicked on by the item.

    tell: - Send a message to the player. Either to self or clicked on player!
    broadcast: - Sends a message to the server.

    ####This part is optional but much wanted!####
    Remove: True/False - Remove the item on logout. Yes/no. This basically only applies to static items.

    Static: true - If user can change position of the item in inventory.

    Position: 0-9 - Required if static, and also only if item is static.

    I understand this might be to request a little bit too much but this would be a really useful function when you don't want the players to drop the given cci-item! They should not be able to put this item in containers either.

    Static feature: If the player recieves a static item while the player already has a item in that position the item should be moves into the players inventory. If the inventory is full, display a message telling the player that his or her item(s) is dropped on the ground. If somehow the player already holds a CCI-Static Item it should be dropped on the ground with a message in the chat.(## and a actionbar message, this is really not required!##)
    ################################ - End of optional part

    When I'd like this by: I want this plugin to include most or all of the features I requested. And by that I mean take your time to make this perfect.

    I can happily help you by testing the plugin out and by answering any questions.

    Best regards BingoBerraz
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2016
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    Mrs. bwfctower

    @bingoberraz Outdated doesn't mean broken. Have you tested it? Make sure it is actually broken before requesting for it to be updated.
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    I did test it, It returned internal error.
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    Mrs. bwfctower

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    Found an plugin that works some what like what I need. I'll check these out, thanks :)

    First plugin, one comment:
    This plugin is Extremly broken! do not use!

    You cant create any custom items with it!

    Also, no. None of those plugins are what I need.. But ty :/ None support commands.
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    Mrs. bwfctower

    @bingoberraz MoreItems (the third one) has very similar commands to the one you linked to.

    But you found one? Not sure what exactly you were saying, but if you did find one, please mark this thread as filled.
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    I actually like the possibilites of that plugin. But it does not feature the command feature, which I really need.

    On the other hand the plugin I found supports the command feature, but not commands ON THE CLICKED player, if you understand what I mean. :)
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    Mrs. bwfctower

    What 'command feature' are you talking about? I've just been assuming you mean that the plugin has commands you can use...
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    I want to costumize different items with lores and names to run certain commands? On self and player who gets clicked on!
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
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    I have a plugin that might be worth looking at

    using this you can add the command using a lore with /menu script add {command you want} it is from the console but you can sudo the player to run it

    to hide the lore simply just type /menu script hide while holding the item you want
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    Edited the first post! Bump
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    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
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    A user on Spigot is actively maintaining and updating a plugin that does just this: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted not allowed paid resource url>
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2017
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    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2017
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    Middle of the night bump (03:28)
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    It'd be worth asking the author to add it rather than having someone remake the whole plugin.
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    Man, really?
    Did you even read the first part of my original post..
    I have asked him already.

    Thanks for trying to help anyway.
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