Plugin category: Admin Suggested name: PVanish What I want: I would love to have this in my server and i really need it. What I need is this Custom Vanish Plugin but separated permissions and features for each group... I am the Owner of my Server and even if another Staff has OP he won't be able to see me if i have the permission "pvanish.owner" I would like to even vanish me from ALL player even staff with OP. I also want to hide my name from the tab's list tho with the permission "". Ideas for commands: /van = Will be vanish completely even from tab's list and /van <Player> makes the player to vanish /rea = Will reapper completetly even in tab's list /rea <Player> makes that player to be reappeared /vtab = Will be Vanish only in Tab List (Player will be able to see the Staff Online) /rtab = Will reapper in tab's list Ideas for permissions: pvanish.owner (If i have this permission any other staff will be able to see me) pvanish.coord (Will be able to be vanish, and use /van and /rea with this permission people won't be able to see the OWNER who has the permission "pvanish.owner" but will be able to see "pvanish.admin") pvanish.admin (Will be able to be vanish, and use /van and /rea with this permission people won't be able to see the OWNER who has the permission "pvanish.owner and pvanish.coord") pvanish.other (Will be able to vanish another player) (Will be able to use /vtab to vanish's name from tab's list and use the /rtab to reapper its name) When I'd like it by: Soon As Possible..., Before 03/April/2016 Thank you so much for you time. BE AWARE THAT THIS CAN BE EDITABLE FOR MORE FEATURES
@bwfcwalshy i am using but i had this idea and i would love to have one like this in my server if you know someone can do it for me i will appreciate your help. @Jayfeather311 Are ou able to do this for me? Say Yes Please.....?
@patricksterza if you don't want OPs to see you in vanish, give them the perm node: - -essentials.vanish.see
I can do this for you. The only problem is that as far as I am aware of you can't remove a user from tab, I could change how their name displays though.
Yes you can remove a user from TAB
@Krafty Thank you taking your time and for making this for me. When do you think you have it done? @Kyleyocats Thanks alot for showing him how to make it.
Google is your friend..
@patricksterza I use a plugin called "SuperVanish." Seems to be close to what you're looking for. Here's the link: (
Told you already yesterday but I am gonna do it again. Plugins compiled with java 7 will run fine on java 8. No need to recompile. If there are errors then they are in the plugin.