Custom Message on Command

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ColeBergmann, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Suggested name: MessageOnCommand

    What I want: This is a super simple plugin. All I want is for there to be a config.txt, and you can define commands to return a specified message. For example:

    /derp = &3This is a test message!
    /herp = &aThis is another test message!

    Also please have this command take priority over other plugins. For example if I want something to be /derp, I would like it to return my defined message instead of using Essentials' /derp command.
    Ideas for commands: Whatever is defined in the config.txt

    Ideas for permissions: messageoncommand.(defined command)

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible!

    Thanks! If anyone knows a plugin like this that exists I would love to hear about it. Please don't recommend a custom command in Command Helper because that does not do what I need it to.
  2. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Sorry to ignore the "dont say commandhelper" but : commandhelper
    /derp = msg(concat(color(red),'Message 1'))
  3. Offline


    I understand. This will not work for my needs because the commands are not prioritized over other commands.
  4. Offline


    MCDocs, Make any Txt and format it using BB codes. Or use the /einfo command in essentials by editing the info.txt in the server/plugins/essentials/info.txt folder. ;3 Best of luck
    MCdocs Link
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    My plugin will do this exactly as you wish.

    While it's primary function is chat filter it is also highly customizable for creating command aliases, command blocking, and more. Here is a quick example of some PwnFilter "rules"

    # Looks for player trying to use /seed, denies it and sends a warning
    match /seed
    require command seed
    then deny
    then warn &4You cannot use this command.
    # Looks for player using /dance, checks if they have permission, denies it, then aliases it to
    # an emote with optional string ie -  /dance like a monkey  
    match /dance
    require command dance
    require permission
    then deny
    then command me dances&string
    PwnFilter also supports RegEx so you can really extend this feature...

    Only downside I ever hear about PwnFilter is how OVER configurable it is.. basically it gives a lot of control and power via your rules scripting.. which for some admins is too complicated.

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