Solved Custom belowName text

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by pie_flavor, Jan 22, 2015.

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    I am well versed in scoreboards and know that one can set a scoreboard value to the belowName slot. However, I have no idea whatsoever how to put custom text there, i.e. text without a scoreboard objective title. Anyone know?
  2. Make your scoreboard a dummy then set the display slot to below name.
  3. Offline


    Oh my god.
    I don't want the scoreboard objective name, I just want custom text!
  4. @pie_flavor Is there an image or example that I could see to try and relate to what you're trying to get?
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    @CodePlaysMinecraft Um like if I wanted to show below the name "[Donor]" which is impossible with scoreboards, the closest I could come would be "[Donor]: 1"
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    Synapz likes this.
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    @teej107 That's not really what I was asking for, but it works with what I need it for. Thanks.
  8. @pie_flavor Glad that your problem was solved. Please set this thread to "Solved" under "Thread Tools" at the top of the thread.
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