Creating a new Thread vs Creating new task for BukkitScheduler

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by nala3, Jun 24, 2012.

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    Most people would probably say to just create a new task and let the Bukkit Scheduler handle it, and in most cases I agree. But I am wondering would there ever be a case where it is better to create a new thread?
  2. When dealing with thread safe methods from Bukkit and/or methods that are unrelated to the game.
    You can still use Bukkit's scheduler to make an ASync task which runs in a separate thread.
    In the scheduler wiki it specifies which methods are thread safe.

    If you need to make intensive actions that change game stuff (like placing 1 milion blocks) you should optimize it by splitting the actions in more chunks... so for that 1 mil blocks example, you can place 1k blocks per tick and it'll be alot better than placing all 1mil in 1 tick as it will freeze the server.
  3. at a bukkit ascry task, the thread get interrupted when the plugin is stopping, at your own thread, you need to do it by your own
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    how do i create a new thread?
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    You create a new Thread object. It takes a Runnable in the constructor.

    Also, nice job on bumping a 1 1/2 year old thread.
    Ultimate_n00b likes this.
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