My server crashes on bootup. I know its PEX because it was fine until i connected the inheritance tree. Here's my YML(The Spacing is all correct, this website puts it back to the backline)(the YML should be correct, i put it in a validator and it said it was valid) groups: chicken: default: true permissions: - essentials.balance - essentials.suicide - modifyworld.* - rankup.rankup - essentials.spawn - essentials.signs.use.warp - essentials.signs.use.heal - essentials.signs.use.disposal - essentials.signs.use.sell - prefix: '&f[&6Chicken&f]' sheep: prefix: '&d[&fSheep&d]&f' inheritance: - chicken pig: prefix: '&d[&5Pig&d]&f' inheritance: - sheep cow: prefix: '&0[&fCow&0]&f' inheritance: - pig squid: prefix: '&3[&1Squid&3]&f' inheritance: - cow horse: prefix: '&f[&7Horse&f]' inheritance: - squid ocelot: prefix: '&e[&6Ocelot&e]&f' inheritance: - horse wolf: prefix: '&7[&fWolf&7]&f' inheritance: - ocelot snowman: prefix: '&6[&fSnowman&6]&f' inheritance: - wolf irongolem: prefix: '&8[&7IronGolem&8]&f' inheritance: - snowman silverfish: prefix: '&0[&8Silverfish&0]&f' inheritance: - irongolem zombie: prefix: '&2[&aZombie&2]&f' inheritance: - silverfish skeleton: prefix: '&8[&7Skeleton&8]&f' inheritance: - zombie creeper: prefix: '&a[&2Creeper&a]&f' inheritance: - skeleton slime: prefix: '&0[&aSlime&0]&f' inheritance: - creeper enderman: prefix: '&0[&5&mSl&r&5enderman&0]&f' inheritance: - slime zimbiepogman: prefix: '&a[&dZimbiePogman&a]&f' inheritance: - enderman magmacube: prefix: '&0[&4MagmaCube&0]&f' inheritance: - zimbiepogman ghast: prefix: '&4[&fGhast&4]&f' inheritance: - magmacube blaze: prefix: '&e[&6Blaze&e]&f' inheritance: - ghast wither: prefix: '&8[&0Wither&8]&f' inheritance: - blaze enderdragon: prefix: '&5[&0Enderdragon&5]&f' inheritance: - wither herobrine: prefix: '&0[&4Herobrine&0]&f' inheritance: - enderdragon notch: prefix: '&c[&3Notch&c]&f' inheritance: - herobrine immortal: prefix: '&4[&bImmortal&4]&f' inheritance: - notch guard: prefix: '&6[&2Guard&6]&f' inheritance: - immortal permissions: - essentials.jail headguard: prefix: '&9[&dHeadGuard&9]&f' inheritance: - guard warden: prefix: '&5[&3Warden&5]&f' inheritance: - headguard owner: permissions: - '*' prefix: '&9[&4&k...&r&bOwner&4&k...&r&9]&b' inheritance: - admin admin: permissions: - '*' prefix: '&5[&dAdmin&5]&f' inheritance: - srwarden srwarden: prefix: '&3[&4Sr&cWarden&3]&f' inheritance: - warden thor: suffix: '&7&l[&6&lThor&7&l]&r&f' permissions: - kits.spawn.Thor - kits.spawn.ThorPick - modifyworld.* flash: suffix: '&e&l[&c&lFlash&e&l]&r&f' permissions: - kits.spawn.Flash - kits.spawn.FlashPick inheritance: - thor captainamerica: suffix: '&c&l[&3&lCaptainAmerica&c&l]&r&f' permissions: - kits.spawn.CAmerica - kits.spawn.CAmericaPick - kits.spawn.CAmericaGun inheritance: - flash wonderwoman: suffix: '&c&l[&e&lWonderWoman&c&l]&r&f' permissions: - kits.spawn.WonderWoman - kits.spawn.WonderWomanPick inheritance: - captainamerica hulk: suffix: '&1&l[&2&lHulk&1&l]&r&f' permissions: - kits.spawn.Hulk - kits.spawn.HulkPick inheritance: - wonderwoman superman: suffix: '&3&l[&c&lSuperman&3&l]&r&f' permissions: - kits.spawn.Superman - kits.spawn.SupermanPick inheritance: - hulk ironman: suffix: '&6&l[&4&lIronMan&6&l]&r&f' permissions: - kits.spawn.IronMan - kits.spawn.IronManPick inheritance: - superman batman: suffix: '&6&l[&0&lBatman&6&l]&r&f' permissions: - kits.spawn.Batman - kits.spawn.BatmanPick - kits.spawn.BatmanGun inheritance: - ironman users: namurt28: group: - owner - batman suffix: '&0&l[&4&lDeadpool&0&l]&r&f' options: message-format: '%suffix &bNam %prefix: %message' BerkoBlack: group: - hulk - admin Reaper72_: group: - batman - srwarden MrPurple57: group: - batman - admin suffix: '&c[&5&lTrick&a&lShot&c]' dricoequist: group: - sheep - hulk - chicken bludragan1232: group: - pig - chicken - ironman - wonderwoman - srwarden GalaXyRoVer: suffix: '&6[&c<3&4&lImagine&a&lDragons&6]' group: - admin 00Firemaster00: group: - superman - owner Please! I need help! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
namurt28 Hi Can you please upload you whole permission file? If you do it now I could still modify it today/
namurt28 Please upload the file using Pastebin so we can see the formatting and check the spacing ourselves, it is likely that the spacing is incorrect... although the YAML validator worked.