CPU performance issue

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by grid21, Aug 20, 2012.

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    So today I went to run my server on my computer and I noticed that the fan speed was really high. So I went into taskmanger and saw that my dual core processor was using nearly %100 of my processing. (see image). Now the server was running on idol. When I go to log onto the server there are in some cases a large amount of delay or lag. On idol the server status ,using lagmem plugin, is 2012-08-20 15:59:49 [INFO] [####################] 19.3 TPS
    2012-08-20 15:59:49 [INFO] [###############_____] 1051.0MB/1484.0MB (70%) free

    Now when I'm logged on or other people are logged on the status is
    2012-08-20 15:59:49 [INFO] [##################_] 17.6 TPS
    2012-08-20 15:59:49 [INFO] [############_______] 1038.0MB/1484.0MB (69%) free

    I know that changes don't seem like much but it can get really laggy as more people get on and use commands. the point I'm trying to make here is that the update of bukkit is showing that there are performance bugs in the coding right now and some days are worse then others. I hope this post shows that bukkit is far from being perfect and functional. Any ideas or help or questions are welcomed!! Thanks!

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