Coupons plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Pixelhouse, Aug 27, 2014.

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    I have looked over various plugins but either i have not found it or it was a custom plugin.
    I played a server where if you did /tokens you saw something like 'You have 2 Shiny tokens to redeem'
    And if i did /redeem Shiny *name* it would give me that item with a command
    (command being /pokegive *playername* *name*)

    I'm looking for something that looks just like it, it its probably already out there but i'm not sure. I should be able to specify different coupon names, and be able to execute a command behind every coupon.

    Thanks in advance!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    it did not come with a GUI though(since i already use a GUI shop) it was purely chat based feedback.
    And i don't see an option to give different /token names.
    I would make a/token Shiny and /token Regular for example, but both with a different command running it.

    Thanks for the tip though!

    I'll clarify myself a little better.

    I'm looking for a plugin that can 1 give player custom made(by me) tokens.
    For example /token "Shiny" and /token "Regular".

    Then when they feel like redeeming them, if they do
    "/redeem Shiny Charmander" It would run this command in the background "/pokegive *playername* Charmander s
    "/redeem Regular Charmander" It would run this command in the background "/pokegive *playername* Charmander
    So an argument can be added to the redeem code.

    It looks something like this plugin, but it doesn't work on current minecraft servers

    [edit by JaguarJo: removed rule-breaking content. Monetary offers are strictly off-limits.]

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2016
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    *bump* anyone please
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