Could someone help me with Permissions for my server?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by joshroxs12, Aug 21, 2013.

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    I want to open a server but I don't know anything about perms the server is gonna be a survival server and we want to have some good plugins but I don't whats better Essentials or Group-Manager? are they basically the same or is one easier to use for someone who doesn't have any experience? I just made a custom map using mcedit so its bigger map because before it was all ocean and barley any land So I think of deleting everything then reinstalling them just so there is no problems
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    I Could Do perms For u!
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    joshroxs12 I would suggest only letting someone you know do permissions for you as someone could easily permit themselves to become OP on your server and grief it.

    Also, groupmanager is a sub-plugin of essentials, officially called essentials group manager. group manager is an extension of essentials, basically.

    Essentials is, well, essential. every server has it. except for the ones that don't have it xP but its the most used plugin by far. I use essentials and groupmanager for my server and find them to be nothing less than perfect. however, understanding how permission nodes work exactly is the hard part which is probably what you are or will be having problems with. almost everyone does.

    permission nodes generally work like this: "pluginname.command" or "pluginname.command.feature"

    for example: to let players build, you would need to give them the permission ""

    for the feature of a command, some get more complicated like essentials.sethome. Here is a few features:


    some permissions go even further:


    Essentials gives a great permissions listings which can be found here:
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    BooGaLoo90 "Also, groupmanager is a sub-plugin of essentials, officially called essentials group manager. group manager is an extension of essentials, basically."

    not exactly correct, groupmanager is not related to essentials, being that it doesnt hook to it, and it has completely different developers, essentials group manager is the name of the groupmanager versions that come in the essentials-full and the essentials-groupmanager packages, groupmanager by it self comes mostly standalone.
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    lol ok mr.technical but you arent exactly correct either =P at least in the way you explained it. its contradictory to their wiki.
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