I am in need of help with my essentials permissions. I'm not too sure if I'm doing it right. As of right now I am testing out my "sign sell"option to where I can set up a sign that you can sell items to. This is my permissions file and it doesn't seem to be working. If someone could help me I would really appreciate it Thanks! Code: users: poutyyy: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - admin groups: default: permissions: [essentials.signs.use.sell] permissions.build: true admin: permissions: permissions.*: true inheritance: - user user: permissions: permissions.build: true worlds: creative: coolplugin.item: true inheritance: - default messages: build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.' debug: false
Code: users: poutyyy: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - admin groups: default: permissions: essentials.signs.use.sell permissions.build: true admin: permissions: permissions.*: true inheritance: - user user: permissions: permissions.build: true worlds: creative: coolplugin.item: true inheritance: - default messages: build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.' debug: false For default you had "essentials.signs.use.sell" in the wrong place. Hope I've helped Also make sure the sell sign is enabled in your essentials config! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I tried that, I also tried to make it so default players can use /spawn. I'm assuming I use the permission essential.spawn? but it doesn't seem to work, none of the signs work for default users, as of right now i'm only using a few to test them out. I'm not too sure what I'm doing wrong. Please help Code: users: Sniped_501: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - admin poutyyy: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - default bobyhobo123: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - default groups: default: permissions: essentials.spawn essentials.signs.create.trade essentials.signs.use.balance permissions.build: true admin: permissions: permissions.*: true inheritance: - user user: permissions: - 'essentials.spawn' permissions.build: true worlds: creative: coolplugin.item: true inheritance: - default messages: build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.' debug: false
I am having some major trouble with these permissions. What i'm trying to do is get the /spawn to work for default players. Also I want to get the signs to work from essentials for default players. I've been messing around with the "weather" sign just to test it out, I cant figure out why it wont work for default players. If anyone can help that would be amazing!! I am using permissionsbukkit 1.6 Here is one example for what I tried. Code: users: Sniped_501: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - admin poutyyy: permissions: essentials.signs.use.weather: true Essentials.spawn: true groups: - default bobyhobo123: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - default groups: default: permissions: permissions.build: true admin: permissions: permissions.*: true inheritance: - user user: permissions: - 'essentials.spawn' permissions.build: true worlds: creative: coolplugin.item: true inheritance: - default messages: build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.' debug: false Here is my second example after I tried putting them under a group instead of my user and it still didn't work. Code: users: Sniped_501: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - admin poutyyy: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - default bobyhobo123: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - default groups: default: permissions: essentials.spawn: true essentials.signs.use.weather: true permissions.build: true admin: permissions: permissions.*: true inheritance: - user user: permissions: - 'essentials.spawn' permissions.build: true worlds: creative: coolplugin.item: true inheritance: - default messages: build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.' debug: false I am using permissionsbukkit EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Try this: PHP: users: Sniped_501: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - admin poutyyy: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - default bobyhobo123: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - defaultgroups: default: permissions: essentials.spawn: true essentials.signs.use.weather: true permissions.build: true admin: permissions: permissions.*: true inheritance: - user user: permissions: essentials.spawn: true permissions.build: true worlds: creative: coolplugin.item: true inheritance: - defaultmessages: build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.' debug: false
Thanks, the /spawn now works for default players but the sign doesn't for some reason. What did you do to make the /spawn to work, and how would I go about making the weather sign work? Thanks a lot!
This was the issue: PHP: user: permissions: - 'essentials.spawn' // This does not work with the '' permissions.build: true worlds: This is the permission node for the weather sign essentials.signs.use.weather Found here http://wiki.ess3.net/doc/permissions Should work this time: Code: users: Sniped_501: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - admin poutyyy: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - default bobyhobo123: permissions: permissions.example: true groups: - default groups: default: permissions: essentials.spawn: true essentials.signs.use.weather: true permissions.build: true admin: permissions: permissions.*: true inheritance: - user user: permissions: essentials.spawn: true permissions.build: true essentials.signs.use.weather: true worlds: creative: coolplugin.item: true inheritance: - default messages: build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.' debug: false
Okay, that seemed to work Omnity, I also seen you put the permissions under the group "user" do you have to put it under there in order to allow the default group to use it?
Oh mah bad thought you meant users only. silly-eh mergh. Im sure you can do that yourself right? (omnity lol)
Yeah, I figured it out - not too sure what I was doing in the beginning for it not to work but thanks I have it figured out now . Do you know any good anit-greifing plugins that does not require Mysql?