"container_type": "CHEST" (.json-file)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by neko_nee, Apr 12, 2023.

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    lately i was working a bit on the Origins-Bukkit plugin, messing around with the powers, custom origins etc. and i found the extra inventoryspace of the origin shulker and created my own power using that as an the base. My problem is that in the power-.json-file is "container_type": "DROPPER" (i changed it to chest) and i don't know how to specify that the container type should be a double chest, cuz when i looked into the container/inventory types on the official spigot page (InventoryType -> Enum Constant Details), there only stood that container_type is chest with possible space of 27,36,45,54 inv spaces, but not how to specify the amount of slots:


    Thats why i wanted to ask whether sb can help me with that.

    "type": "origins-bukkit:inventory",
    "title": "Pocket Dimension",
    "container_type": "CHEST",
    "key": "PRIMARY",
    "name": "&f&nPocket Dimension&r &8&n(Active ability, use with [F])",
    "description": [
    "&7Because of spatial magic you have 30 more inv-slots.",
    "&7Even after death the items don't disappear."
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to Bukkit help as you are not making the plugin.
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    oh, oki ty ^^
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