
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MrPmiguelP, Jul 13, 2012.

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    So, this might sound a little noobish, but I'm not so familiar with the old event system. I'm trying to update a plugin from the 1.8 Beta days. This is the piece of source that is bothering me.

    this.slot_wheel[i] = new SlotWheelEntry(material, slotMachine.getNode("wheel." + s_material));
    So what's then problem? Well the getNode is really outdated and I don't know how to update it =/. Can somebody tell me where I replace it with. I already tried getString or getStringList but none of them work. Thanks

    - Miguel
  2. we cant know what function you actually meant, because e dont have the clessesd to detrem that
  3. Offline


    O I'm sorry. Well this is the complete function of the method
     public void load() {
        if (!this.file.exists()) {
          ConfigUtils.extract(this.file.getParentFile(), new String[] { this.file.getName() });
        File configFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/config.yml");//FileConfiguration(this.file);
        FileConfiguration config =YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile);
        ConfigurationSection slotMachine;
        this.slot_price = slotMachine.getDouble("price", 45.0D);
        List wheel = slotMachine.getStringList("wheel");
        this.slot_wheel = new SlotWheelEntry[wheel.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < wheel.size(); i++) {
          String s_material = (String)wheel.get(i);
          Material material = null;
          try {
            material = Material.valueOf(s_material.toUpperCase());
          } catch (Exception exception) {
            material = Material.DIRT;
          this.slot_wheel[i] = new SlotWheelEntry(material, slotMachine.getNode("wheel." + s_material));
        ConfigurationSection wheelFortune;
        this.wheel_price = wheelFortune.getDouble("price", 250.0D);
        String wheel_item = wheelFortune.getString("item", "GOLD_INGOT");
        try {
          this.wheel_item = Material.valueOf(wheel_item.toUpperCase());
        } catch (Exception exception) {
          this.wheel_item = Material.GOLD_INGOT;
        this.wheel_item_divisor = wheelFortune.getInt("item_divisor", 500);
    As you see I don't know where to replace the getNode with =/

  4. whrere is the constructor of SlotWheelEntry?
  5. Offline


    private File file;
        FileConfiguration config;
        private double slot_price;
        private SlotWheelEntry[] slot_wheel;
        private double wheel_price;
        private Material wheel_item;
        private int wheel_item_divisor;
        public ConfigLoader(File file) {
            this.file = file;
    public class SlotWheelEntry {
        private Material material;
        private Material item;
        private int item_count;
        private double money_count;
        public SlotWheelEntry(Material material, Configuration node) {
            this.material = material;
            String item = node.getString("item", "GOLD_INGOT");
            try {
                this.item = Material.valueOf(item.toUpperCase());
            } catch(Exception exception) {
                this.item = Material.COOKIE;
            this.item_count = node.getInt("item_count", 4);
            this.money_count = node.getDouble("money_count", 250.0);
        public Material getMaterial() {
            return this.material;
        public Material getItem() {
            return this.item;
        public int getItemCount() {
            return this.item_count;
        public double getMoneyCount() {
            return this.money_count;
    This is the SlotWheelEntry

    Thanks again, Miguel!
  6. you need to chace the consturctor to take an ConfigurationSection as last param, and you need to call getConfigurationSection( instead of getNode(
  7. Offline


    You made my day :D Thanks!

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