Config Enchantments, Sign Enchantments

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by foxwillow, Feb 12, 2014.

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    • Ability to configure the effect of all enchantments in the YML. For example, each level of Sharpness, according to the MC Wiki, adds 1.25 damage, while Smite is 2.5. I know that weapons are more straightforward, but it would be nice is the numbers for Armor Enchantments could be config'd as well, even if they are more confusing for the casual user. But what would be nice is to set the increments these go up -- Maybe so each level of Sharpness only adds 0.5 per level... etc. This means setting the effect per level of each enchantment
      • Example:YML (general idea)
        Sharpness: 0.5
        Smite: 0.5
        ... etc
    • Option to increase enchantment levels above vanilla caps. Now, I actually don't want to "screw" with the actual enchanting system of MC (players are familiar with it). But if the first bullet point can be done, then I'd love the option for players to sacrifice items (and/or economy funds) at a certain spawn building for the "chance" for an over-powered upgrade.
      • I'd like a spot at spawn where an admin can make a sign. For example, if a player has a Sharp V Sword, and they want to upgrade it to Sharp VI, they would have to right-click on a sign for upgrading Sharpness (we can make separate signs for each enchantment). Line 1:[Upgrade] Line2:Sharpness. If they right click it goes through the next bullet point, if they left click it tells them the costs and chance of success.
      • When they click that sign, the item-in-hand (sword) is checked for its relevant enchantment level. So if it is detected as a Sharp 5 sword, a config comes in to determine if it goes up to Sharp 6. That means there should be an "upgrade attempt cost" config and an "upgrade success %" config. Let's say my economy is based entirely on emeralds and attempting to go from Sharp 5 to Sharp 6 costs 5 emeralds, and has a 75% chance of success. Sharp 6 to Sharp 7 could have different costs and success rates. (The same applies to other enchantments like Smite or Protection).
      • It would be great to also config the max allowable level (but doable by simply making the upgrade % chance to 0). This would mean if a plugin dev could make the config file accomodate up to level 10 enchantments, server admins could determine their own maximums per enchantment by making the upgrade chance 0 (I just think that may be an easier option).
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