[COMPLETED] Custom NPC Skins. By: Crash

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by 25CentStudios, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Request: Using Spouts new update (1.0.2) the changelog states: Added custom skins per-entity
    After a visit to Esper's spout channel, I learned that an NPC (Citizens) is a sub-class of a human entity, and it is possible, and I got a link to this page: http://getspout.org/jd/org/getspout/spoutapi/player/AppearanceManager.html However, I am not a java developer, and I'm sure a lot of you aren't either. After asking if anyone knew of a plugin that did this, I was told to post in the Requests section of the Bukkit forums. So I am requesting a plugin (.jar) that uses this code so I can set a custom skin on an NPC using Spout. Thank you.
    Mordaith likes this.
  2. Offline


    I have a plugin that does that...i'm selling it to private servers,unfortunately! :D
  3. Offline


    I hate people who sell plugins, its a game, i already paid 21$ for Minecraft. Its not worth it, get out of here.
  4. Offline


    I might be able to do something like that for free. What NPC plugin are you using?
    m5k and 25CentStudios like this.
  5. Offline


    Citizens, thank you very much Crash.
  6. Offline


    I'd buy it but I can't be assed to get donations from the players. I'll wait for crash to do it for free.
  7. Offline


    Unfortunately, Java is difficult and that's why not everyone can make plugins.

    Just might as well say "I hate people who sell games."
  8. Offline


    Paying for plugins isn't worth it to be honest because they're so easy to make.
    Ok here's a simple version I could make it better if you want.


    To skin an NPC just put in their UID and then the URL into the config file like so :
      url: http://...
      url: http://...
    kahlilnc, Zino, Hopium and 3 others like this.
  9. Offline


    You, my dear sir, are awesome. What are the specific requirements for this?
  10. Offline


    Requirements ?
  11. Offline


    Like Spout, or whatever
  12. Offline


    You need the SpoutAPI + Spout server plugin and Citizens (obviously) that's it.
  13. Offline


    What is Spout API? Do I need SpoutCraft?
  14. Offline


    Just get PlayerEditor, I believe it can be used on Citizens NPCs, just like players.
  15. Offline


    i feel more comfortable using one DESIGNED for NPCs
  16. Offline



    09:11:54 [WARNING] Task of 'NPCSkin' generated an exception
    java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: All skins must be a PNG image
    at org.getspout.spout.player.SimpleAppearanceManager.checkUrl(SimpleAppearanceManager.java:294)
    at org.getspout.spout.player.SimpleAppearanceManager.setGlobalSkin(SimpleAppearanceManager.java:29)
    at com.Crash.NPCSkin.NPCSkin.loadNPCSkins(NPCSkin.java:104)
    at com.Crash.NPCSkin.NPCSkin$1.run(NPCSkin.java:55)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:137)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:428)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:363)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    09:11:55 [INFO] [FalseBook IC] Loaded selftriggered ICs: 0 done
  17. Offline


    Your image must be *.PNG
  18. Offline


  19. Offline



    Why not put this in submissions? This is something I know everyone will use.

    Cheers bro.
  20. Offline


    Give me the url to the image you might not be putting the direct link.

    @BioRage : I don't like releasing in that section, if you know anybody who wants this you can link them here though
    kahlilnc likes this.
  21. Offline


  22. Offline


  23. Offline


    Pussy :p Especially Bukkit plugins are so easy that you can learn Java from it.

    Crash, nice work :D
  24. Offline


    But you'll gain popularity, and if it's something you'd want to do, why not do it? :)

    Tested, and work, seriously man, post this up,.

    It's amazing.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  25. Offline


    nice fuckin going :) works like a charm <3

    edit - is it possible to skin the 'evil' npcs? they dont have uids like the normal npcs, but they have specific names...
  26. Offline


    Ok I changed it now you can do names or UIDs
  27. Offline


    Eh. Im not so well with spout, but is the SpoutAPI the client spout mod?
  28. Offline


    it says 'name is not an integer' when i try to load one with a name into the config?
  29. Offline


    The npc might not be in the list...

    How do you make an evil npc I might need to get them a different way.
  30. Offline


    they are not normal npcs. they are defined in mobs.yml. here is an example:

            spawn: true
            max: 1
            tame-item: 354
            drops: 260,357,2256,
            failed-tame-messages: Ha! You can't tame me!;Nice try, <name>!;Muahahaha, I am evil!;
            names: evil_undeadmach1ne
            tame-chance: 5
    i just want to make evil versions of my players and use their skins but give them red eyes. the only other way i can think to do it would be to buy accounts for them, which would cost me a ton of money lol...maybe im missing something though? if you name them after real players they get their skins the normal way (you can name them Notch or Herobrine for example and the skins show up).

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