Commands able to be executed by console

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Nathan674329, Jun 24, 2017.

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    I want console to be able to use /qlutch staffnotify so when someone is hacking, the console can use that command which sends a custom message to staff on the server, i got it all working but i dont know how to stop the error when console executes the command, only players can at the moment.
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    Do not blindly cast send to a player. Like this example, the console can also send the message. Make sure the sender is a player before you cast.

    Also, none of those commands require the sender to be a player. Replace all references to "p" with "sender" and it will work fine.
    RcExtract likes this.
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    you could ask if the sender has instance of a Player. If thats not true, use sender.
    if its true use p.
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    No point, Player extends CommandSender, you can use any CommandSender methods directly on a Player without casting.
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    but if you have a function, only a Player can execute like teleporting or stuff, it will give you an error. :D
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    1. Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "command");
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