Command Warmups

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Captain_Obvious, Mar 12, 2016.

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  1. Offline


    Hello everyone,

    I need a plugin that will add a warmup to a command. For example, If I did /hub it will do the command based on how long the warmup is in the config.

    Plugin Name: CommandWarmup

    Plugin Permissions: commandwarmup.exempt can bypass the warmup.

    Plugin Config File:

            warmup: 3 #In seconds
            message: '&6You will be teleported in 3 seconds'
            command: '/hub'
            cancelonmove: true
            cancelmessage: '&cTeleportation cancled'
    Note: Make sure I will be able to add other command warmups

    Other: Also, when you move it will cancel the warmup. This includes any damage too. So if a player is stuck in a 1x1 hole and hit by an arrow while trying to exucte the command, it will cancel.

    Why make this plugin: The plugin booscooldowns has this feature built in but the plugin seems to be broken for 1.8.9. Other users are having the same issue as I am.

  2. Offline


    Plugin works perfectly on my 1.9 and 1.8.9 test server.
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