Minecraft version: Minecraft 1.10 Suggested name: Command sign What I want: I need a basic plugin were you type a command on a sign, when you click that sign it will run the command. When I'd like it by: preferably within the next week. @Astrophylite EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I know of a plugin that I used and liked, except its $2.50 <Edit by Moderator: Redacted not allowed paid resource url>
I am fine with doing this, but thanks for the offer. @skylerRU Hey! You can now download this from paulreffell.me/downloads/CommandSigns-1.10v1.jar! There are no commands (why would you need commands?). There are two permission nodes (commandsigns.use & commandsigns.create) Sign Format: Code: [CommandSigns] <command> <command arguments> To make it so different players can use it without changing the name on the sign, you can use %p instead of a player's username. Hope it works, Astrophylite. P.S: Before people say "OMG! RIP OFF OF SIMPLECOMMANDSIGNS!". Yes, I did take inspiration from SCS but it is outdated so I de-compiled SCS and took the code out of it and built it with 1.10. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting. EDIT: I am also aware that there is already a plugin called CommandSigns but again, it's outdated and is not likely to be updated to 1.10 any time soon. EDIT 2: You can see the source code here! (https://github.com/astrophylite/CommandSigns)
Great!! Thanks Hey the plugin isn't working did you test it? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
@skylerRU What do you mean it doesn't work? 1. Are you using Spigot 1.10? 2. Are you using the correct sign format? (example below) 3. Does the plugin show up when you type /pl in chat? If so, what colour is it? I can't seem to find any problem because as you can see, it's working for me so please answer the questions above and I will be able to help. Thanks, Astrophylite. EDIT: Don't worry about answering the questions, I forgot I had a permissions system. You need to be op and/or have the following permissions to fully use the plugin: - commandsigns.use - commandsigns.create If you're not OP/don't have the permissions, there will be a message telling you that you don't permission.
@skylerRU To add on what @Astrophylite said, please post your server log in [code]<log>[/code] tags or use pastebin.com. If there is an error in it.
I am OP I have the permissions and I have spigot 1.10 still nothing when I do /plugins nothing comes up I get this error message in the console "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: me/astrophylite/commandsigns/CommandSigns : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 03.07 12:40:23 [Server] ERROR Could not load 'plugins/CommandSigns-1.10v1.jar' in folder 'plugins'"
@skylerRU Why does this matter? Either you can update your java to Java 8 (Which you should be able to do) or not. In the latter case you might simply have a problem. Here is a thread telling you how to change your java version. Don't know if it still works though.
@skylerRU Which is why the link tells you how to change McProhosts java version... Have you actually read it?
@Asrophylite could you shorten the [commandsigns] line to maybe something shorter like [cs] @atrophylitewhenever i try to put a sign it says unknown command EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
@skylerRU There's a plugin that can do that called ServerSigns. You can do many things such as require permissions to use the sign, add a cost for running the sign, and more. You also can configure the plugin so you can give blocks commands. (If the link doesn't work up above, http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/serversigns/)
I'm sorry for being so inactive. I've been busy with other IRL things recently. I must be using Spigot 1.8.8 to compile it then, I'll fix the error(s), if I can find a way but I would recommend using ServerSigns anyways (as said above by @__Penguin__). Thanks, Astrophylite. EDIT: I cannot seem to find the error. I don't know why it's erroring for unsupported major.minor version 52.0 because I don't use that anywhere in my code. Even a quick Google search doesn't shed any light... Can anyone else help with that?
@Astrophylite Here. It just means you have compiled it with Java 8, but he used a lowe version (probably Java 7). He would need to update it or you need to compile for Java 7. He should update.
Sorry again for being inactive, I can shorten it but I don't want to completely rip off SCS because they use [SCS] for their signs. Try putting the command on one line and the argument(s) on the other.