I'm juggling plugins trying to get the broken pieces fixes using other plugins and getting some parts to work and other not to.. but one big problem I'm having is op's being godded on login.. (small but annoying} I was wondering if there was a plugin or if this would be easy to create that would use ungod on every player that logs in. thanks, sputnik
It's worldguard. I've been through that config so many times It's driving me up a wall. It only happens with worldguard in.
Develop your own plugin: use event Code: onPlayerJoin and command Code: event.player.performCommand("god")
I've got no idea what any of that means I'm not the brightest burnt out bulb ( I have zero experience coding. Not even the slightest clue )
I'll have something for you in about an hour. I'm a little busy at the second. EDIT: Almost done. Just a little debugging.
this bug is harder to squash, than I thought, but mostly because I'm new. I'll definitely have it done by tonight, even if not in the next 20 mins.
Take all the time you need. Beggars can't be choosers, and there's certainly no way I could do something like that myself.
I made this for someone else already but only it was /help, I just changed it to /god for you. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/47859993/CmdSender.jar here you go.
tis true ungod is what i need ^_^ I tested it and It's great! Exactly what i needed but ungod instead of god
If you're still interested, my plugin is finished and approved. It allows you to execute any command that doesn't include arguments(/ungod), but not commands with arguments(/say <something>). It also features permissions. Here's my bukkitdev: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/commandonstart/
thank you! This is amazing May i ask. how do you use it? Scratch that! I the page didn't load the first time ^_^ how wonderfuL!
No problem . If you're interested, I just updated it to 1.1 which removes some test code and fixes typos. It also names the folder the CommandOnLogin, rather than CommandOnLogin1.0 which means you'll have to move the config file over.