Command Argument Prompter

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MarvinTM, Jul 21, 2017.

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    I am actually looking for something that was done years ago, but I cannot find it anywhere, so I must ask again. Here is all of the info that was provided then....

    Hey guys,

    I have a menu on my server to replace commands. I use ChestCommands for it, but commands like /tp <playername> require user input, which can't be done in ChestCommands. So that's why I am requesting this plugin.

    Suggested name: ArgumentPrompter

    What I want: A plugin that detects commands with curly braces in it. When a command with curly braces in it is detected, it will send a chat message to the executor of the command with the text in between the curly braces. The next chat message of the player will not be shown in chat, but will be saved by the plugin. The plugin will execute the command that the player send with curly braces, and replace the the curly braces and the text in between by what the player entered in chat and what was saved. If there are more texts in curly braces in the command, they will be prompted to the player one by one, and the next prompt will pop-up after the player entered a chat message for the prompt before. This explanation might be a little confusing, so here's an example:

    The player Bob executes the command: "/pay {&7Please enter the playername you want to pay money to:} {&7Please enter the amount of money you want to send:}". What will happen is that a message saying: "Please enter the playername you want to pay money to:" will appear in his chat. Bob will now enter a playername, so for example John. When he presses enter, the text "John" will not appear in the chat. A message will appear saying this: "Please enter the amount of money you want to send". Bob enters 100 for example, and the plugin will execute the following command as Bob: "/pay John 100".

    With this plugin I can put in the ChestCommands config a command with curly braces like the pay command, and this plugin will ask the player what he wants as the command arguments.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin. The plugin will detect when curly braces are used in any command.

    Ideas for permissions: No permissions, everyone has permission.

    When I'd like it by: ASAP, it shouldn't be really hard to make :)

    There's the link:

    But it's now gone.... Can somebody help? Thank you in advance...
  2. Offline


    Wait does Bob execute /pay {} {} or /pay {&7Please enter the playername you want to pay money to:} {&7Please enter the amount of money you want to send:}?

    I don't understand what you want to put in the config, could you please explain it :)

    If you can clear up the above, I'd be happy to make this plugin for you.
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    I don't know how they did the old one, but how I would think it would be done...../pay {payto} {sendto} where in the config the variables {payto} has a prompt setting of ["&7Please enter the player name you want to pay money to:"] and {sendto} a prompt setting of ["&7Please enter the amount of money you want to send:"] I'd imagine there would be some kind of definition file listing the defined {VARIABLES} with their related "PROMPTS"? So like the previous example, I'd like to use it with Chest Commands, but need to use arguments with the commands. I don't know how it all can do it any way you can make work...upside down and backward...if it does the job and you can show me how to use will be perfect!!!! Thank you sooooo much for even looking at it!!!!!!!
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