Colors not working?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by candyfloss20, Jun 28, 2015.

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    p.sendMessage(Main.success + "Showing Commands for \"§b"+ Bukkit.getServer().getName()+"\"");
    Prints out this:

    Anyone got any ideas why § is not working?
  2. You saved it as an other format than UTF-8 I think
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    You aren't supposed to use the section sign, I believe that you're supposed use ChatColor.COLOR like so.

    p.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "Hello");
    This would just send the player a message saying "Hello" in Aqua (&b)
    Zombie_Striker likes this.
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    It's better to stick with ChatColors. Just type your string and add "first part"+Chatcolor.COLOR+"coloured part"
  5. It isn't better.
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    Don't use the section symbol. It makes your code liable to break in the future, liable to encoding formats, makes the code hard to read and understand, and is a magic number meaning that people who don't understand the minecraft chat and how it works will be confused by it.
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