Solved Collecting amount of hit from specific mobs.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Jetsinsu, Dec 19, 2018.

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    Hey guys! I haven't been on here for a while :p. I need some help figuring out how I would separately get each hit from a specific mob (Different Wither Skeletons). I tried using UUID on them but it doesn't really seem to work. Every time I get hit by the first skeleton twice and get hit by the others only once, the first skeleton keeps repeating the msg 2..2..2 and never moves on to three.

    HashMap<UUID, Integer> hit = new HashMap<UUID, Integer>();
        public void onSkeletonAttack(EntityDamageByEntityEvent e) {
            if (e.getEntity() instanceof Player) {
                if (e.getDamager() instanceof Skeleton) {
                    Skeleton s = (Skeleton) e.getDamager();
                    if (s.getType() == EntityType.WITHER_SKELETON) {
                        if(s.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Wither Skeleton V2")) {
                            if (!hit.containsKey(s.getUniqueId())) {
                                hit.put(s.getUniqueId(), 1);
                            if (hit.containsKey(s.getUniqueId()) && hit.containsValue(1)) {
                                hit.put(s.getUniqueId(), 2);
                            if (hit.containsKey(s.getUniqueId()) && hit.containsValue(2)) {
                                hit.put(s.getUniqueId(), 3);
                            if (hit.containsKey(s.getUniqueId()) && hit.containsValue(3)) {
                                if (s.getEquipment().getItemInMainHand().getType() == Material.STONE_SWORD) {
                                    //do something
                                    hit.remove(s.getUniqueId(), 3);
    Code is a lil sloopy, ehh. :p
  2. First of all, no need to constantly check if the Map contains the Skeleton as a key, one check would suffice. The individual check of each number of hits is also unnecessary.

    Checking if the entity or damager is of a certain type by checking if it's an instance of something is rather uncommon. I'd say it's best to compare EntityTypes.

    I've quickly created a small snipped of code that might fix things. I'm using the default instance of it the Entity, instead of instantly declaring it as a Skeleton, in an attempt to see if that would fix things. Tell me if it works :)
    public void onSkeletonAttack(EntityDamageByEntityEvent e) {
       if (e.getEntity().getType() != EntityType.PLAYER) {return;}
       if (e.getDamager().getType() != EntityType.WITHER_SKELETON) {return;}
       Entity damager = e.getDamager();
       if(damager.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Wither Skeleton V2")) {
         if(!hit.containsKey(damager.getUniqueId())) {
           hit.put(damager.getUniqueId(), 1);
         else if (hit.get(damager.getUniqueId()) == 3) {
           if (((Skeleton)damager).getEquipment().getItemInMainHand().getType() == Material.STONE_SWORD) {
             // Do something
         } else {
           hit.put(damager.getUniqueId(), hit.get(damager.getUniqueId())+1);
    EDIT: Corrected a few things in the code, sorry about that.

    EDIT 2: I've spotted what you were doing wrong: you were checking if the Map contained the value of a certain Integer in general. What you should be doing is getting the Integer directly linked with the UUID instance in the HashMap, with
    This will return the amount of hits that were made by that specific Wither Skeleton.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2018
  3. Offline


    LMAO, right before I refreshed and saw your edited post, I was wonder if I used the HashMap wrongly, and I did! I haven't used hasmaps in a while so I got confused. It works now.

    I also have a question. Does the declaring the entity as a skeleton affect the way that the UUID was used or no and how? I actually never tried UUID for entities in a hashmap before so.... :p
  4. I'm not sure if it affects the UUID. Most likely not, since it's a special identifier for that specific Entity, regardless of it's type, but I just used Entity instead of Skeleton to rule out the possibility of that being the cause.

    Happy everything's working now! :D
  5. Offline


    Ahhh, ok. That makes sense. Thanks for the help and useful information about HashMap! :)
    Kevinzuman22 likes this.
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