ClockIn/ClockOut plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by C0nsole, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. Offline


    listen.... when i unzip, it gives me then when i rightclick that, it gives me CheckIn (I have a mac) what is happening?
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    Great! Just Great! I really love it!
  4. Offline


    I hope it doesn't have to many bugs :)
  5. Offline


    You need a program called. The unarchiver to extract.
  6. Offline


    I have the unarchiver but it didnt work.... whatever the new download he gave me works
  7. Offline


    So, I was wondering two things about the plugin...
    1) could you make it public?
    2) can you add a feature where if u leave an area 15x15 of a sign that says CheckProtect on the first line, you automatically check out of your job. (if this is too complicated, i understand, but I dont think it is)
  8. Offline


    1) sure. You want the source code, or should I upload it to
    2)Does it have to be job-Specific?
  9. Offline


    I was thinking you could do the whole deal, the thread on bukkit forums under plugin submissions, the page... all that
    No, all it would do is that when you leave the area 15x15 of the sign with CheckProtect, it checks you out of your job
  10. Offline


    Hm. It would be easier to check every tick the Player would get money, if he is still in one of the areas.
    I don't know how high you set the seconds to tick, but it would use much less cpu-usage to check every x secondes then check every move of a player. I guess the Effect would be the same.
  11. Offline


    I'm sorry but I don't even know what you mean...
  12. Offline


    The player gets every x seconds money.
    Would it be okay to check on that time, he gets money, if he is still in an area? If not, he gets checked out.
    (Would be less work and less calculation for the server)
  13. Offline


    oh, yeah, that would be fine
  14. Offline


    k. I'm getting to work on it.
    Signs would look like this, I guess:

    Is this design okay?

    Do you need a height check too? I just realized number x number has no height check.
  15. Offline


    thats great and I do not need a height check
  16. Offline



    Okay. Here is the first implementation:

    Check Signs can be created by:
    line1: rangecheck
    line2: 13x241

    notice to line2: axb : a and b can be any number. (example: 22x15)
    permission to create them: checkin.areasign.create

    I have added a new command (/jobdebugrangesigns) (Permissionnode: checkin.sign.debug).
    This command recreates all range-signs which are destructed, but somehow not removed. (just for debuging)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  17. Offline


    And about the making it public thing?

    Also, would you graciously accept the semi-admin possition on my server?
  18. Offline


    I'll make it public today or tomorrow. Let's see.

    Well I would like to accept the possition, but I'm Admin on another Server.
    Sorry, but I couldn't work good on more than 1 Server.

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