Client+Server mods

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by RobotGymnast, Apr 18, 2011.

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    I remember recently hearing about an effort to add items to server mods. It seems to me you could just have an accompany client mod which, on game join, would send some packet unique to that mod, to say "yes, I'm here". To anybody who doesn't have the identifying packet, the server could send a message saying "Go download j00r damn client mod to go on this server". This entire interface could be packaged into a nice barebones plugin, and any plugin that requires both client and server mods could just extend that plugin.

  2. Offline


    My thoughts is that you should had searched before, this has been discussed so may times... ^^
    Myers Carpenter is making a great client/server plugin system - Pogic
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    There's also one in development called dyncraft. Check out or search the MC forums.
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