Classes Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by BradleyNut_, Nov 28, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Roleplay

    Suggested name: Classes

    What I want: I am looking for a Classes plugin for my Harry potter server the list of commands is below:

    Ideas for commands:
    /classes start (nameofclass) (numberofplayers) -
    When command is entered a message will be broadcasted out to the chat that says '&b(Username) has started (classname) do /class join (nameofclass) to enter the class' and when the max number of players enter the class when someone does /class join it will say '&cYou were late for class'
    /classes join (nameofclass) - When command is entered it would teleport the player to the person who created the class and would say in their chat '&bWelcome to (classname)'. [After 5 minutes you can no longer join the class (It would say in chat when you do /join class '&cYou were late for class')] Also it would put them into a 'Class' chat. (Chat system used from 'Herochat') and make them leave 'Global' chat.
    /classes leave - When command is entered and the player is in a class, it will teleport them to /spawn and say '&bYou have left the class' and put them back into 'Global' chat and make them leave 'Class' chat (Herochat)
    /classes remove (nameofclass) - An admin command to remove a class completely.
    /classes end (nameofclass) - When command is entered the class will end and will teleport everyone who joined the class to /spawn and say in their chat '&bClass Ended' and enter them into 'Global' chat (Herochat)
    /classes mute (nameofclass) - Will mute the class and say in the 'Class' chat '&b(Player) has casted Silencio on the class'.
    /classes unmute (nameofclass) - Will unmute the class and say in the 'Class' chat '&b(Player) has casted Amplify on the class'.
    /rh - When the 'Class' chat is muted the player would do /rh to 'Raise their hand'. So when executed it would say in chat '&6*(player) raised their hand'
    /classes point (playername)- When command is entered it would unmute the player that raised their hand and let them speakand it would say in chat '&6(Username) pointed at (Username)

    Ideas for permissions:
    /classes start - classes.start
    /classes join - classes.join
    /classes leave - classes.leave

    /classes remove - classes.remove
    /classes end - classes.end
    /classes mute - classes.mute
    /classes unmute - classes.unmute
    /rh - classes.raise.hand
    /classes point - classes.point

    When I'd like it by: Any time is great :)
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2015
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