[Class] Change the skin of a player without changing the name, yes it's possible! [NO SPOUT]

Discussion in 'Resources' started by bigteddy98, May 28, 2014.

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    Yeah ofcourse, but lenis0012 made a variant of the class made by CraftThatBlock and CraftThatBlock probably got some of his code from someone else too, so I will have to credit 10+ people if I do. But indeed, lenis0012 did the UUID code in here ;)
  4. Offline


    I didn't use anyone'c code.

    I made it when i came accross SwordPvP and noticed sessions have texture info.

    EDIT: Which appears to be made by CraftThatBlock
    I didn't know haha
    bigteddy98 likes this.
  5. Offline


    bigteddy98 Oh my god :eek:
    Thought it was impossible... But this class has a lot of @SuppressWarnings, no ?
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    Now all we need are capes.
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    i perfectly sure that this is advertisement and given site just proxy data from mojang site.
  8. Offline


    And to think I was about to release this today.
    Anyways, I (stupidly) tried to make it so that it can use custom textures from another website, but it couldn't work. I posted some of this to wiki.vg (see the signature in textures section), but as a quick rundown:
    • Base64 encoded (obviously).
    • Signed with Yggdrasil's private key, not the server's private key.
    • Verified with a SHA1withRSA public key.
    • Failure to verify does nothing besides invalidate the skin and give them the default steve skin.
    Tried this; it didn't work. You would have to take the entire skin and cape; you can't have player1's skin and player2's cape unfortunately :(
  9. Offline


    not a proxy... and its not an ad, just a simpler way to do UUID
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    Yep I am using the Bukkit built-in system to get players UUIDs. For some reason Bukkit deprecated Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(NAME); That's why I added the SuppressWarning ;)

    Yep you're right :p

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2016
    Skyost likes this.
  11. Offline


    i dont like to waste my nerves on raw client sources, will wait for MCP to update to 179, after this it will be easy and fast to understand how exactly client process skins and properly use mojang servers for same actions.

    if signature not very long or client side verification have some flaw - i will probably try to overcome RSA key or reverse private key in order to have full power of skins and other stuff.
    this will be usefull, if you really want to advance this direction - you shoud perform something similar.
  12. Offline


    just posted an update which connects to the Mojang servers, not to the SwordPvP servers. Hope you like it ;)
    RawCode likes this.
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2016
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    Funny that you send it to all players.
    Even the ones from a different world.

    This also doesn't work when new players join.
  16. Offline


    I know I am currently working on a ProtocolLib version, that is going to be the 1.2 version :)
  17. Offline


    bigteddy98 When i try to change my skin, nothing happens. It won't show skin changes for skin owner?
  18. Offline


    Can you send your code + server version?
  19. Offline


    I was right about proxy state of that site.

    Now your code have no critical flaws, i happy about fix.
  20. Offline


    yep you were, but now I don't know why SwordPvP is being used that much here, it's just a slower "variant"
  21. Offline


    I figured there was just a matter of time before someone did this ^^ great job :) will definately use it in my plugin.

    I have my own class and leveling plugin so I will for instance give rogues a rogue skin :3

    Yeah, I get the UUIDs for my plugin directly from Mojang's servers :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2016
    bigteddy98 likes this.
  22. Offline


    Same reason as task based coundowns and similar idiotic nonsence from brainless youtubers.
    bigteddy98 likes this.
  23. Offline


    Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer().getUniqueId() does not work. Would I just use Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer().getPlayer().getUniqueId()?
  24. Offline


    What? Doesn't it? It does work for me?
  25. Offline


    Not for me. I am using 1.7.9

    With Bukkit and CraftBukkit

    Also, in GameProfile, getProperties() is not a method.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2016
  26. Offline


    It does support textures. I utilized that function for the NPCs in my plugin.
  27. Offline


    Doesn't the method exist are are you having console errors?
  28. Offline


    Do you mean there is no method? Or does it give you a wrong UUID?
  29. Offline


    Yep I updated it already, thanks anyway;)
  30. Offline


    I have not tested it, but IDE errors annoy me because in IntelliJ, it makes every package a red-line that has to deal with that class.
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