Library [CLASS] 1.9 - Mob Disguise (@mine-care)

Discussion in 'Resources' started by SerCoProGamer, Mar 13, 2016.

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    Hey guys! I've just edited @mine-care 's class to disguise into mobs, to work with 1.9!
    Here's the code:
    Note: you need this class to get it working. Please put the class in the same package as the disguise one.
    (Credit to @DarkBladee12 )
    Changes from 1.8 to 1.9:

    - Changed "d" method to "f"
    - Added Shulkers, but they cannot move.
    - Note that setCustomName now works as 1.7, it's equal to make an armorstand ride the animal, but the name is normally lowered.

    import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
    import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
    * @author fillpant, Blame him!
    public class MyDisguise {
        private static final String bukkitversion = Bukkit.getServer().getClass()
        private String customName;
        private EntityDisguise type;
        private Player disguised;
        private ItemStack hand, helm, chst, leg, boot;
         * @param p
         *            player to disguise
         * @param type
         *            Entity type of disguise
        public MyDisguise(Player p, EntityDisguise type) {
            this(p, type, null);
         * @param p
         *            player to disguise
         * @param type
         *            Entity type of disguise
         * @param name
         *            the display name of the disguised player (chat color is
         *            supported)
        public MyDisguise(Player p, EntityDisguise type, String name) {
            this(p, type, name, null, null, null, null, null);
         * @param p
         *            player to disguise
         * @param type
         *            Entity type of disguise
         * @param name
         *            the display name of the disguised player (chat color is
         *            supported)
         * @param inhand
         *            Item in hand
         * @param helmet
         *            helmet item
         * @param chestplate
         *            chestplate armor item
         * @param leggings
         *            leggings armor item
         * @param boots
         *            boots armor item <b>If You dont want a armor item like boots
         *            or something, provide 'null'</b>
        public MyDisguise(Player p, EntityDisguise type, String name,
                ItemStack inhand, ItemStack helmet, ItemStack chestplate,
                ItemStack leggings, ItemStack boots) {
            this.customName = name;
            this.type = type;
            this.disguised = p;
            this.hand = inhand;
            this.helm = helmet;
            this.chst = chestplate;
            this.leg = leggings;
            this.boot = boots;
         * @param to
         *            Player that will see the disguise (where the packets will be
         *            sent to.)
         * @throws Exception
         *             Many exceptions can occur due to reflection used.
        public void sendDisguise(Player to) throws Exception {
            if (to.equals(disguised))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Target Player cannot be the same as the disguised player");
            Object packetplayoutentitydestroy = ReflectionUtils.instantiateObject(
                    "PacketPlayOutEntityDestroy", PackageType.MINECRAFT_SERVER,
                    new int[] { disguised.getEntityId() });
            Object world = ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(disguised.getWorld(),
                    "getHandle", null);
            Class<?> entity = Class.forName(type.getClassName());
            Object ent = ReflectionUtils.instantiateObject(entity, world);
            ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(ent, "setPosition", disguised
                    .getLocation().getX(), disguised.getLocation().getY(),
            ReflectionUtils.getMethod(entity, "f", int.class).invoke(ent,
            if (customName != null) {
                ReflectionUtils.getMethod(entity, "setCustomName", String.class)
                        .invoke(ent, customName);
                ReflectionUtils.getMethod(entity, "setCustomNameVisible",
                        boolean.class).invoke(ent, true);
            handleSpecialTypes(type, ent);
            Object packetplayoutspawnentityliving = ReflectionUtils
                            PackageType.MINECRAFT_SERVER, ent);
            sendPacket(to, packetplayoutentitydestroy);
            sendPacket(to, packetplayoutspawnentityliving);
            if (hand != null)
                sendArmorContentPackets(to, disguised.getEntityId(), 0, hand);
            if (helm != null)
                sendArmorContentPackets(to, disguised.getEntityId(), 1, helm);
            if (chst != null)
                sendArmorContentPackets(to, disguised.getEntityId(), 2, chst);
            if (leg != null)
                sendArmorContentPackets(to, disguised.getEntityId(), 3, leg);
            if (boot != null)
                sendArmorContentPackets(to, disguised.getEntityId(), 4, boot);
         * @param players
         *            players that will see the disguise happening. The rest will
         *            see the disguised player as player...
        private void sendDisguise(Player... players) {
            for (Player P : players) {
                if (P.equals(disguised))
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
         * @param forwho
         *            who will see this update?
         * @throws Exception
         *             Reflection exceptions
        public void updateDisguise(Player forwho) throws Exception {
         * @param players
         *            a array of players that will see the update
        public void updateDisguise(Player... players) {
         * @param type
         *            the new Disguise type
         * @param sendto
         *            the player who will see the change
         * @throws Exception
         *             Reflection exceptions
        public void changePlayerDisguise(EntityDisguise type, Player sendto)
                throws Exception {
            this.type = type;
         * @param type the new Disguise type
         * @param sendto the player who will see the change
         * @throws Exception Reflection exceptions
        public void changePlayerDisguise(EntityDisguise type, Player... sendto)
                throws Exception {
            this.type = type;
        //Dont mind this
        private void sendPacket(Player p, Object pack) throws Exception {
            Class<?> packet = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + bukkitversion
                    + ".Packet");
            Class<?> craftPlayer = Class.forName("org.bukkit.craftbukkit."
                    + bukkitversion + ".entity.CraftPlayer");
            Object handle = craftPlayer.getMethod("getHandle").invoke(p);
            Object con = handle.getClass().getField("playerConnection").get(handle);
            con.getClass().getMethod("sendPacket", packet).invoke(con, pack);
        //Dont mind this too.
        private void sendArmorContentPackets(Player to, int entityID, int slot,
                ItemStack item) throws Exception {
            PackageType type;
            if (bukkitversion.startsWith("v1_7_"))
                type = PackageType.CRAFTBUKKIT;
                type = PackageType.CRAFTBUKKIT_INVENTORY;
            Object craftitmstk = ReflectionUtils.getMethod("CraftItemStack", type,
                    "asNMSCopy", item.getClass()).invoke(null, item);
            Object metadarapacket = ReflectionUtils.instantiateObject(
                    "PacketPlayOutEntityEquipment", PackageType.MINECRAFT_SERVER,
                    entityID, slot, craftitmstk);
            sendPacket(to, metadarapacket);
        //Forget this as well :3
        private Object handleSpecialTypes(EntityDisguise type, Object entity)
                throws Exception {
            switch (type) {
            case WITHER_SKELETON:
                ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(entity, "setSkeletonType", 1);
            return entity;
        /*To be documented,*/
        public ItemStack getItemInHand() {
            return hand;
        public void setItemInHand(ItemStack hand) {
            this.hand = hand;
        public ItemStack getHelmet() {
            return helm;
        public void setHelmet(ItemStack helm) {
            this.helm = helm;
        public ItemStack getChestplate() {
            return chst;
        public void setChestplate(ItemStack chst) {
            this.chst = chst;
        public ItemStack getLeggings() {
            return leg;
        public void setLeggings(ItemStack leg) {
            this.leg = leg;
        public ItemStack getBoots() {
            return boot;
        public void setBoots(ItemStack boot) {
            this.boot = boot;
        public String getCustomName() {
            return customName;
        public void setCustomName(String customName) {
            this.customName = customName;
        public EntityDisguise getType() {
            return type;
        public void setType(EntityDisguise type) {
            this.type = type;
        public Player getDisguised() {
            return disguised;
        public void removeDisguise() throws ReflectiveOperationException {
            Object ppoed = ReflectionUtils.instantiateObject(
                    "PacketPlayOutEntityDestroy", PackageType.MINECRAFT_SERVER,
                    new int[] { disguised.getEntityId() });
            Object ppones = ReflectionUtils.instantiateObject(
                    "PacketPlayOutNamedEntitySpawn", PackageType.MINECRAFT_SERVER,
                    ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(disguised, "getHandle", null));
            for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
                if(p.equals(disguised)) continue;
                try {
                    sendPacket(p, ppoed);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                try {
                    sendPacket(p, ppones);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    enum EntityDisguise {
        ZOMBIE("EntityZombie"), WITHER_SKELETON("EntitySkeleton"), SKELETON(
                "EntitySkeleton"), ZOMBIEPIG("EntityPigZombie"), BLAZE(
                "EntityBlaze"), ENDERMAN("EntityEnderman"), CREEPER("EntityCreeper"), SPIDER(
                "EntitySpider"), WITCH("EntityWitch"), WITHER_BOSS("EntityWither"), GHAST(
                "EntityGhast"), GIANT("EntityGiantZombie"), SLIME("EntitySlime"), CAVE_SPIDER(
                "EntityCaveSpider"), SILVERFISH("EntitySilverfish"), MAGMA_CUBE(
                "EntityMagmaCube"), BAT("EntityBat"), PIG("EntityPig"), SHEEP(
                "EntitySheep"), COW("EntityCow"), CHICKEN("EntityChicken"), SQUID(
                "EntitySquid"), WOLF("EntityWolf"), OCELOT("EntityOcelot"), HORSE(
                "EntityHorse"), VILLAGER("EntityVillager"), IRON_GOLEM(
                "EntityIronGolem"), SNOWMAN("EntitySnowman"), ENDER_DRAGON(
                "EntityEnderDragon"), MOOSHROOM("EntityMushroomCow"), SHULKER("EntityShulker");
        private final String cls;
        EntityDisguise(String cls) {
            this.cls = cls;
         * <b><u>FORGET THIS! DONT USE IT!</u></b>
         * @return
        public String getClassName() {
            return "net.minecraft.server."
                    + Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName()
                            .substring(23) + "." + cls;
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2016
    ChipDev likes this.
  2. Offline


    Amazing! Thanks.
    Also: Is it needed to have the update void? It just runs another method..
  3. Offline


    Well, if you are up to the task of updating my class, go into the effort and make it efficient by removing all these field/method lookups and caching them, also fix the "throws Exception".
    And remove the bame part xD
  4. Offline


    I wrote throws Exception, because it will be too long with try/catch (if i remember correctly)

    And I love the 1.7 feature so I don't have to create ArmorStands anymore

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2016
  5. Offline


    Well i mean, i would recomend you throw the correct exception(s), not the -mother of all- exception, so instead throw ReflectiveOperationException which is the superclass of all reflection exceptions, or depending on the method, throw the correct exception.

    Also, as i said in my previous post, since you decided to update this, go through the effort of changing the reflection parts as well! Instead of looking up the same fields in a class, cache them!
  6. Offline

    Mrs. bwfctower

    Update method. Not void. Method.
  7. Offline


    I noticed that, sorry, I was too lazy to edit. Cmon :3
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