Chunk performance : Air or Stone ?!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by DaEgo, Jul 26, 2012.

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    we build on a very big place (only over earth) and i think about to change some stuff under the earth.
    what gives a better performance ?
    to delete all blocks and having air or
    to fill everything with simple stone ?
    i mean one of these must be better that spawner, dungeons, floating water, lava and obsidian...
    nolag and orebfuscator are online, maybe it does not matter, idk.

    any ideas ?
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    Air. OreObfuscator cant obfuscate air.
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    Having a ton of blocks to render causes some lag on the client. Also Me4502 is right about Orebfuscator. I deleted that plugin because too me, performance > rare x-rayers. 95% of X-rayers are blatantly obvious and easy to catch. The other 5% aren't too big of a deal because they will eventually fault up somewhere else (grief, cheating some other way).
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    i think the same , but i was not sure

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