Plugin name: ChickenBreed/EggBreed What it does: 1. This plugin stops chickens from randomly laying eggs. 2. Chickens lays eggs when bred instead of having a baby 3. Eggs that you throw have 100% chance to spawn chicken
I will investigate this. I would know how to do this. The only thing that is holding me back is cancelling the chicken lay egg event. Update: In progress of making plugin. It should be finished soon. This plugin has been confirmed to be possible. - Under dev
Okay all of this is possible except actually getting the part of chickens don't drop eggs randomly. I feel like I could make a work around with some searching. Other than that I might not have any luck. I will post the .JAR plugin file in a while. Well with some strings pulled I have came up with a way in order to succeed in this... quirky situation... I have successfully completed your request. Well I ran into an error... again... I can't have created any items on the floor now... I have tried many methods. Your plan is as of now theoretically impossible for bukkit as there is no egg lay events. This is a very common issue with a bunch of posts i've seen. I am going to give the plugin to you as-is. Some things to note is chickens drop eggs randomly, and when bred. Here is the plugin: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> This is how you use it. To turn things on and off use the command listed under /eggbreed. (Returns: /eggbreed [true/false]) True it is activated false its off. Default on doesn't save when you close server. Just let the plugin do it's job. [quote uid=90862978 name="Twisted_Panda" post=2070103]Gitany <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> Message me for bugs or errors or just tag me. I don't know how to stop eggs from spawning from chickens. I'll figure it out eventually.[/quote] Thanks for butting in... Also, I looked at your source... I'm not impressed. So much reading with imports that don't need to be imported... Full of bad habits... Your onPlayerThrowEgg will not work. It will explode the egg, and yes spawn a chicken... but will not spawn a chicken because you have to set how many to 1... Ignore my flame >.< but read it and learn from it! @OP Use my plugin, for it has a disabled and enable.
Well I flamed your current build of your plugin. It took me a long time because I was trying to figure out what you cannot think of either.