I want a plugin that rainbow colored chickens drop eggs every certain time and will drop items i want it to make it so the eggs explode with certain items like 2 random items Perms: chicken.give Commands: /c give (gives rainbow chicken spawn egg)
I do not believe it is possible to add differently colored eggs without a client-side mod being required on everyone that joins. However besides that this is rather easily doable. How important is it that the eggs are randomly colored?
Rockon999 that is a very good point. EDIT Just realized he wants the chickens to be colored, which you definitely can't do
Aye that would work, Mining Fatigue has a pretty good green for this. EDIT: Want it to be clear that I'm not making this, as I'm not at my regular computer
I wanted the chickesn to be colored not the eggs lol but having them sparkle it good 2 just to tell the differents between a normal chicken and a item drop chicken
Unfortunately there's no "ChickenLaidEggEvent" or anything similar. I believe the closest you can get is to monitor the ItemSpawnEvent for eggs and see if a chicken is in the same location. Sparkles on the chicken would be the easy part.
xXMaTTHDXx - actually I did originally write ChickenLaidEvent but changed it before posting to avoid any misconceptions
Hey although I'm fairly new at bukkit I still think I could make this. Since I'm still learning it might take a while to make, but I'd be glad to try to get it done. I'll get started on it (Although you can't color the actual chickens, I'll add effects.)
Dang, I just realized that I can't do this... Sorry, I'm getting ready for lots of tests at schools. I also have a big projects I'm doing. Sorry
Would you want the eggs to explode/drop items after a random length of time, or after an exact time? Would the explosion be an actual explosion, a firework effect, or just the egg disappearing? How would a normal chicken become a rainbow chicken? Would there be a chance of a chicken spawning as a rainbow chicken, or would you use a command, or potion? I could make this depending on how complicated it will be, for example: Easy: Chickens drop special eggs when under a certain potion effect (could be applied with splash potion). Eggs disappear after an exact or random time and drop 2 random items. Hard: Chickens have a chance of spawning as a "rainbow" chicken. It would have to be tracked and given an unlimited potion effect, and saved/loaded when the server turns off/on. Rainbow chickens drop an egg that explodes when you throw it on the ground (meaning the special eggs would also have to be tracked/saved/loaded, really complicated).
Well to track the eggs you'd just have to have a scheduled task to create the explosion and drop items... and not sure about the rainbow chicken.... but you could just save its UUID to an ArrayList then on disable save the ArrayList... then on Enable give all chicken's with that UUID the effects.. wouldn't be as complex as you'd think