ChatBubble Plugin (Using HoloAPI)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Ziunn, Jan 19, 2015.

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    Plugin category:
    Chat Related

    Suggested name: ChatBubble

    What I want: Chatbubble is a plugin like no other. This plugin incorporates the usage of HoloAPI and helps modernize chat with it. Basically what it does is whenever you send a message, it displays the message in a hologram above your head, sort of like how messages work in the game Runescape.

    Whenever I mention ChatBubbles in the Config and other, I'm referring to the hologram displayed.

    Holograms Disappear On Move
    If you move, the chatbubble disappears. Only applies if you walk onto another block, not if you simply look around or remain on the same block
    FORMAT: DisappearOnMove: True/False

    Make Holograms Follow You
    Allows so when you send a message, you can make the chatbubble follow you rather than staying in the location of which you sent the message
    Note: If enabled, previous option 'Holograms Disappear on move' must be disabled/false.
    FORMAT: BubblesFollow: True/False

    Choose Display Time
    Choose how long the chatbubble remains for. Note: In Seconds. 5 Seconds = Default
    FORMAT: DisplayFor: 5

    Blacklist Commands
    Enter True to blacklist all commands. If false is entered, you can choose if you want specific commands to be blacklisted. If the list for blacklisted is empty and its on false, no commands will be blacklisted.
    FORMAT: Blacklist_Commands: True/False
    - /Ban
    - /Message

    Allow the format of the chatbubble to be configured via config. Variables should include:
    %prefix% (Prefix) %money% (Money) %player% (Sender's Username) %suffix% (Sender's Suffix) and %message% (The message being sent). Formatting should allow me to setup all the colors in it kind of like essentials chat format. Format example below
    FORMAT EXAMPLE: '&b&l%player% &7> &e%message%' This would display the players name in light blue and the message in yellow as well as a > seperating both, the message and the player's username.
    Note: Format should only affect the text in the hologram/chatbubble, not the text in chat.

    Enabled In Worlds
    If toggled true, enter all the worlds you want chatbubbles to be enabled on in the Worlds list. If false, all worlds will by default have chatbubbles enabled.
    Note: If true, you only need to enter the worlds you want the bubbles in, not the ones you want them to be disabled in.
    FORMAT: PerWorldBubbles: True/False
    - World1
    - Spawn
    - Hub​

    Ideas for commands:
    ChatBubble Reload (Reload the plugin and config)
    /ChatBubble Enable (Enable the chatbubbles globally if disabled)
    /ChatBubble Disable (Disable chatbubbles globally. Useful in case of lag)

    Ideas for permissions:
    chatbubble.reload - /chatbubble reload
    chatbubble.enable - /chatbubble enable
    chatbubble.disable - /chatbubble disable
    chatbubble.send - Allows your messages to be displayed in a bubble. If you do not have the permission, your messages do not appear in a hologram and should only be treated as a normal server message.

    When I'd like it by: Latest January 29th? If anyone works on this and needs more time, let me know!
  2. Offline


    @Ziunn This is the best formatted plugin request page I have ever seen. You are one of the few people who actually take the time to copy the reequest format, but then you go above and beyond!
    Solaris_88 likes this.
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    Thanks for the great feedback! I've also just found a bukkit that does similar to what I've requested.
    It can be found here:

    The perks of creating the plugin I've requested is that you could post it on bukkitdev and in return for all of the configuration options, your plugin would definitely get more popular than the version given above.

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