Chat Questions

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by JPG2000, Oct 31, 2013.

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    Im looking to make a ChatManager.

    I have acouple of questions:

    What would be the best way to change what the message looks like? (IE, changing the < before name, etc)? Would it be cancelling the event and broadcasting it?

    What does add reciptient and remove do?

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    Use a modify format thing and put it in your config.yml, then you can edit the chat so it looks however you like.
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    theearlypc423 So, basicly, cancel the event and broadcast? Or is there a format method?
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    Last time I checked you cant cancel. And doing broadcast would be bad because you wouldn't mute people. In the bukkit javadocs there is a very good example of formatting chat.
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    I'm fairly certain you can cancel the chat event. How would plugins that stop you from chatting do stuff like that?
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    They way I do chat stuff is do event.setFormat and the first occurance of %s is the player's name (who chatted) and the second occurance of %s is the message.
    Recepients is the players that receive the message.
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    mattrick16 JPG2000
    You can cancel the AsyncPlayerChatEvent, as for setting the format and stuff use

    event.setFormat(ChatColor.RED + "Admin " + ChatColor.GREEN + player.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE + event.getMessage())
    If you want to be able to set custom prefixes/suffix just get the sting from the config.yml and add it to the format function.
    whitehooder likes this.
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    MCCoding Thank you.

    I know java, I just didn't know there was a setFormat method, or what I did. Thanks.
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    Which is why he showed you it with example code.
    JPG2000 likes this.
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