[CHAT] mChat v1.8.7- Chat formatting plugin [1597]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by MiracleM4n, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Offline


    mChat - Chat formatting plugin
    Version: v 1.8.7 - (Versioning = MC Version 1.8 Release 7) (Nov 10/11)

    If you like mChat please vote it up by clicking the image below finding MChat and Thumbing it up :D.

    I Has BETTER Jenkins: HERE

    Source Code

    Click Me ---> mChat BukkitDev Page!!!! <--- Click Me

    Plugins using API (open)

    To-Do: (open)

    • Get more API suggestions?

    Next Release Info (open)


    Other Stuff:
    [​IMG] Please donate to help support me :D

    mChannel Now has its own thread

    Version 1.7.12 (Sept 14/11)
    • Updated a lot of things.
    • Fixed a lot of things.
    • Added Censor.
    • Added Call Home function. (Ask SwearWord)
    • Added PEX Support.
    • Added Jenkins (dev.d3gn.net:8080)
    • ....Ill update tomorrow...
    Changelogs: (open)

    Version (Sept 02/11)
    • Added +reason, +r variable to the kick message. (Displays the reason for the kick).
    Version 1.7.11 (August 28/11)
    • PNode for colouring in chat (mchat.coloredchat <---made it color for all you damn lazy Americans (Canadian = colour).
    • Added "+Groupname,+Gname,+G", "+Worldname,+Wname,+W" for Group/World name aliases (Check info.yml)
    Version 1.7.10_5 (August 16/11)
    • Fixed Permissions loader Faulz.
    Version 1.7.10_4 (August 15/11)
    • Finnally filled in the API spoiler.
    • Minor API changes. (Deprecated some methods)
    • Minor Local changes.
    • Added 2 more Colour Code types.
    • Added Custom Variables.
    • More Misc updates thanks to @Nijikokun .
    • PM for more Info.
    Version 1.7.10_3 (August 12/11)
    • Minor API changes.
    • Minor Local changes.
    • Nothing much you dont really "Need" this update.
    Version 1.7.10_2 (August 11/11)
    • Fixed bPermissions causing errors. (Damn you codename_B)
    Version 1.7.10_1 (August 09/11)
    • Fixed NPE on startup.
    Version 1.7.10 (August 09/11)
    • Merged mInfo, mChat once again.
    • Added an API switch.
    • Changed reload command to inlude both config/info.
    Version 1.7.9_3 (August 05/11)
    • Added full support for all major Permissions plugins.....again.
    Version 1.7.9_2
    • Uhm...
    Version 1.7.9_1
    • Uhm...
    Version 1.7.9 (August 03/11)
    • Made separate mchat plugin.
    • Added +location,+loc to formatting.
    • Dropped Permissions 2.x/3.x support.
    • Code cleanup.
    • Updated to Spout....More features to come...
    Version 1.7.8 (July 29/11)
    • Removed PM features.
    • Fixed API (Tie to mChat.API.parseChat(player, msg) = message-format or mChat.API.parseChat(player) = name-format).
    • Added join message formatting.
    • Other code cleanups.
    • Added a sample plugin that ties into the API.
    • Fixed inheritance issues.
    Version 1.7.7_2 (July 27/11)
    • Added configurable *Typing* message
    • Made Achievement Window more redundant.
    Version 1.7.7_1 (July 27/11)
    • Added configurable PM to Achievement Window
    • More code cleanup.
    Version 1.7.7 (July 27/11)
    • Added (/mchat pm {playername} message = mchat.pm)
    • Changed they way Health notifications work.
    • Made things easier for future dev work.
    Version 1.7.6_3 (July 27/11)
    • Very finite changes. (Code cleaning)
    Version 1.7.6_2 (July 27/11)
    • Why because I felt like it!
    Version 1.7.6_1 (July 27/11)

    • Fixed (/mchatme, /me) permissions.
    Version 1.7.6 (July 27/11)
    • Added (/mchatme, /me)
    • Added Health notification messages
    • Made Bukkit contrib features optional.
    • Not sure what else........
    Version 1.7.5 (July 26/11)
    • Removed /mchannel for use in another plugin.
    • Added an API like that of iChat.
    • Made source....DONT LAUGH AT ME..available.
    • Added custom join/leave/kick messages.
    Version 1.7.4_7 (July 24/11)
    • More NPE fixes.....Itll never end.
    Version 1.7.4_6 (July 23/11)
    • More NPE fixes.
    Version 1.7.4_5 (July 23/11)
    • Hopeful NPE fixes.
    Version 1.7.4_4 (July 21/11
    • PLAYER_CHAT error fixes.
    Version 1.7.4_3 (July 20/11)
    • Players who aren't in the public channel aren't outputted to other plugins.
    • When a player talks while not in the public channel their name is prefixed with their channel.
    • More BukkitContrib Fixes.
    Version 1.7.4_2 (July 20/11)
    • Hopeful DynMap fix.
    Version 1.7.4_1 (July 19/11)
    • Bumped versioning in case people dont look.
    • Lots of bug fixes but no new features.
    • Fixed Console not getting messages.
    • Fixed null message.
    • Fixed....Dont remember...It was late.
    Version 1.7.4 (July 19/11)
    • NPE fixes.
    • Commands being used by console fixes.
    • Config format changes.
    • BukkitContrib feature fixes.
    Version 1.7.3 (July 18/11)
    • Added reload config command.
    • Added channels.
    Version 1.7.2 (July 14/11)
    • Added Last message sent name thingy.
    Version 1.7.1 (July 14/11)
    • Officially Changed to mChat.
    Version 1.6.1
    • Initial Release.
  2. Offline


    I also can't add a colour or prefix to people other then my Admin group.
  3. Offline


    @registered MCMA does this:

    mchat.prefix.default: false
    mchat.suffix.default: false

    Those should not be default but should be Everyone
  4. Offline


    Actually it shouldn't. MCMA transparently renames a default group to 'default' in the exported persmissions and mchat but leaves the name intact. This means that it looks the same but behaves properly.
  5. Offline


    Can someone help me set this up?
  6. Offline


    @PhonicUK What I am saying is that the default group has:

    mchat.prefix.Everyone: true
    mchat.suffix.Everyone: true

    and MCMA is only falsifying the group names not the actual nodes. For it to work properly he would either have to change the above to default or change the inheriting groups nodes to Everyone. The latter of the two would be easier as for the first you would have to change the info.yml as well.

    @whuy PM me with current setup.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  7. Offline


    I wonder how the Spoutcraft part of the plugin works. I have the latest recommended build of spout and spoutcraft installed, but I can't see anything above other player's heads. How does this work?
  8. Offline


    Check out mChatEssentials
  9. Offline


    Thank you. :)
  10. I have some interesting issues when i just tested this plugin on a fresh server build, the only one able to chat in game is my super user ('*' permissions using pEX + fake permissions bridge), my setup is as follows:

    info.yml (open)

    # mChat Info config
    # Only needed if using PermissionsBukkit, superperms.

    Zeus: Almighty
    Gods: God
    Lords: Lord
    Magistrates: Magistrate
    Artisans: Artisan
    Adventurers: Adventurer
    Travellers: Traveller
    Zeus: ''
    Gods: ''
    Lords: ''
    Magistrates: ''
    Artisans: ''
    Adventurers: ''
    Travellers: ''
    Zeus: '&oAlmighty'
    Gods: '&9God'
    Lords: '&5Lord'
    Magistrates: '&cMagistrate'
    Artisans: '&2Artisan'
    Adventurers: '&7Adventurer'
    Travellers: '&fTraveller'
    Zeus: ''
    Gods: ''
    Lords: ''
    Magistrates: ''
    Artisans: ''
    Adventurers: ''
    Travellers: ''
    Terra: Terra
    Terra_Nether: Terra Nether
    v1: v1
    AdminLand: AdminLand
    Adventure: Adventure
    SurvivalIslandv1-2: Survival Island
    Skylands: Terra SkyLand


    config.yml (open)

    # mChat configuration file
    # **IMPORTANT**
    # usage of mchat-message-format is restricted to:
    # +suffix,+s, +prefix,+p, +group,+g, +world,+w, +time,+t, +name,+n, +dname,+dn, +health,+h +healthbar,+hb, +message,+msg,+m
    # usage of mchat-name-format, mchat-playerEvent-format are restricted to:
    # +suffix,+s, +prefix,+p, +group,+g, +world,+w, +time,+t, +name,+n, +dname,+dn, +health,+h +healthbar,+hb
    # **************

    mchat-join-message: has joined the game.

    mchat-date-format: HH:mm:ss

    auto-Changed: 1

    mchat-API-only: false

    mchat-name-format: +<custvar>+p +Groupname+dn+s &ffrom &8+w&f
    mchat-playerEvent-format: +g+p+dn+s&e

    mchat-kick-message: has been kicked from the game for +r.

    mchat-message-format: '+<custvar>+p +Groupname+dn+s &ffrom &8+w&f says: +message'

    mchat-leave-message: has left the game.

    also for example group Zeus has the following permissions:

    but is displaying the adventurer prefix (for good measure i added the -mchat.prefix.Adventurers to see if it helped, it didn't)

    also the colour tags in the prefix and the +group settings don't appear to be working (hence me inserting the group tag into the prefix tab

    Edit: Ok to summarise through much testing: the prefix node does work, but the colour tags in it dont seem to have any affect and the group and the group tags do not work, this may or may not be due to permission problems.
    Essentially in config.yml I have tried both +group and +Groupname (from the changelog) tags, neither of which are bringing up the group, in my permissions I have tried mchat.group.{group} and mchat.groupname.{group} (the info is unclear on which nodes are needed for group) none of which has had any luck for me. My info.yml includes:
    [B][B]    Group1: 'Groupie'[/B][/B]
    [B][B]   Group2: 'Groupie2'[/B][/B]
    [B][B]    prefix:[/B][/B]
    [B][B]        Group1: '&o'[/B][/B]
    [B][B]        Group2: 'black'[/B][B][/B]
    Black is displayed but that is all
    I hope you guys can help as this is getting pretty frustrating
    Edit2: Fixed the groups problem by adding the group node back into mchat, however, the groupnames still does not work for me (not that it matters too much anymore). Also the colours designated in the prefix section still do not work

    Sorry, the edits appear to have destroyed the previous post.
    The colour problem appears to be that the OP looks like the code for black is a letter as opposed to a number.
    It appears everything is working now. Thanks!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  11. Offline


    @theonewithgingahair Please PM me with your pastebinned, uneditted (No BB code), config.yml, info.yml, permissions config, and you plugin list.

    EDIT: Nvm :p Posted too late.
  12. @MiracleM4n
    Thanks for the offer, pEX is still being a bit buggy for me (it appears inherited permissions take preference to explicitly implied ones [unless im and idiot] in that the higher rank groups inherit the lower ranks group/prefixes, even when I have removed the lower ranks permissions explicity...) but everything else is ok :D (furtively doing this at work has been interesting)
  13. Offline


    I am having trouble getting mChat to work. Here is my permissions bukkit:

            - Guide
            - Guide
            - Guide
            - Moderator
            - Moderator
            - Moderator
            - Administrator
            - Administrator
            - Administrator
                mchat.prefix.Guide: true
                mchat.suffix.Guide: true
                mchat.prefix.default: false
                mchat.suffix.default: false
                permissions.build: true
            - default
                mchat.prefix.Moderator: true
                mchat.suffix.Moderator: true
                mchat.prefix.default: false
                mchat.suffix.default: false
                permissions.build: true
                mchat.prefix.Moderator: true
                mchat.suffix.Moderator: true
                mchat.prefix.default: false
                mchat.suffix.default: false
                superpermbridge.commandbook.broadcast: true
                superpermbridge.commandbook.kick: true
                commandbook.bans.ban: true
                superpermbridge.commandbook.bans.unban: true
                superpermbridge.logblock.rollback: true
                superpermbridge.logblock.tool: true
                superpermbridge.nocheat.*: true
                superpermbridge.commandbook.teleport: true
                superpermbridge.modtrs.mod: true
                superpermbridge.modtrs.command.ban: true
                superpermbridge.modtrs.command.unban: true
                superpermbridge.modtrs.command.check: true
                superpermbridge.modtrs.command.complete: true
                superpermbridge.modtrs.command.broadcast: true
                superpermbridge.modtrs.command.teleport: true
                superpermbridge.modtrs.command.reload: true
                superpermbridge.vanish.vanish: true
                superpermbridge.vanish.see: true
                superpermbridge.vanish.nopickup: true
                superpermbridge.vanish.nofollow: true
                superpermbridge.vanish.preventincomingdamage: true
                superpermbridge.vanish.preventoutgoingdamage: true
                superpermbridge.cf.allowfly: true
            - default
                mchat.prefix.Administrator: true
                mchat.suffix.Administrator: true
                mchat.prefix.Moderator: false
                mchat.suffix.Moderator: false
                superpermbridge.*: true
                permissions.*: true
                EffectiveArrow.use.*: true
                EffectiveArrow.use.explosive: true
            - Moderator
                mchat.prefix.Default: true
                mchat.suffix.Default: true
                permissions.build: true
                factions.participate: true
                factions.create: true
                factions.viewAnyPower: true
                mchat.prefix.Default: true
                mchat.suffix.Default: true
                permissions.build: true
                commandbook.who: true
                commandbook.msg: true
                superpermbridge.falsebook.blocks.*: true
                superpermbridge.mywarp.warp.basic.warp: true
                superpermbridge.modtrs.command.modreq: true
                mcmmo.skills.*: true
    Here is my mChat config:

    # mChat configuration file
    #           **IMPORTANT**
    #   usage of mchat-message-format is restricted to:
    #       +suffix,+s, +prefix,+p, +group,+g, +world,+w, +time,+t, +name,+n, +dname,+dn, +health,+h +healthbar,+hb, +message,+msg,+m
    #   usage of mchat-name-format, mchat-playerEvent-format are restricted to:
    #       +suffix,+s, +prefix,+p, +group,+g, +world,+w, +time,+t, +name,+n, +dname,+dn, +health,+h +healthbar,+hb
    #           **************
    mchat-date-format: HH:mm:ss
    mchat-name-format: +prefix+dname+suffix&e
    mchat-message-format: <+prefix+dname+suffix&f> +message
    auto-Changed: 1
    mchat-playerEvent-format: +p+dn+s&e
    mchat-join-message: has joined the game.
    mchat-leave-message: has left the game.
    mchat-kick-message: has been kicked from the game for +r.
    mchat-API-only: false
    Here is my mChat info
    # mChat Info config
    # Only needed if using PermissionsBukkit, superperms.
            Guide: 'Guide'
            Moderator: 'Mod'
            Administrator: 'Admin'
            Default: ''
            Guide: Guide
            Moderator: Moderator
            Administrator: Administrator
            Default: Default
            Guide: ''
            Moderator: ''
            Administrator: ''
            Default: ''
        admin: '[a]'
        jadmin: '[ja]'
        member: '[m]'
        sadmin: '[sa]'
        D3GN: '[D]'
        DtK: '[DtK]'
        Hello: '[H]'
        Nether: '[N]'
    I am running Bukkit RB 1060. I also run (out of a lot of other plugins) Factions. However, it has worked in the past, and I'm not sure why it's not now.
  14. Code:
            Guide: Guide
            Moderator: Moderator
            Administrator: Administrator
            Default: Default
            Guide: 'Guide'
            Moderator: 'Moderator'
            Administrator: 'Administrator'
            Default: 'Default'
  15. Offline


    trying to set this up with Factions, switching over from Essentials(chat). Im using CommandBook now and it didnt provide support for chat. So it was recommended i check out mChat :)
    Im currently using perm 3.x.
    My chat looks like this with the default config
    everything is white so its not using factions scheme i guess.
    EDIT: got it working just replaced +hb with {FACTION} and added a space and it looks perfect
  16. Offline


    Hi there, just having a bit of an issue and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

    I'm using PermissionsEX and I have just converted from Permissions 2.7.4.

    Here is my mChat config.yml:
    [S][S]# mChat configuration file[/S][/S]
    [S][S]#           **IMPORTANT**[/S][/S]
    [S][S]#   usage of mchat-message-format is restricted to:[/S][/S]
    [S][S]#       +suffix,+s, +prefix,+p, +group,+g, +world,+w, +time,+t, +name,+n, +dname,+dn, +health,+h +healthbar,+hb, +message,+msg,+m[/S][/S]
    [S][S]#   usage of mchat-name-format, mchat-playerEvent-format are restricted to:[/S][/S]
    [S][S]#       +suffix,+s, +prefix,+p, +group,+g, +world,+w, +time,+t, +name,+n, +dname,+dn, +health,+h +healthbar,+hb[/S][/S]
    [S][S]#           **************[/S][/S]
    [S][S]mchat-join-message: has joined the game.[/S][/S]
    [S][S]mchat-date-format: HH:mm:ss[/S][/S]
    [S][S]auto-Changed: 1[/S][/S]
    [S][S]mchat-API-only: false[/S][/S]
    [S][S]mchat-name-format: +p+dn+s&e[/S][/S]
    [S][S]mchat-playerEvent-format: +p+dn+s&e[/S][/S]
    [S][S]mchat-kick-message: has been kicked from the game for +r.[/S][/S]
    [S][S]mchat-message-format: '&f[+prefix+group&f] +suffix+name&f: +message'[/S][/S]
    [S][S]mchat-leave-message: has left the game.[/S][/S]

    I am an admin and my prefix/suffix is set to &c.

    When I type in the chat, it shows up like this: [​IMG]

    Does anyone know why? I do not understand why it's not working correctly other than me doing something wrong. I'm new to both PermissionsEX and mChat, so any help is appreciated!

    Also, I took a look in info.yml and saw that it's required if using PermissionsBukkit/SuperPerms, and I believe that's what PermissionsEX uses?

    I don't understand info.yml, so if someone could explain it that'd be great.


    Never mind, I was able to figure out everything after reading a post showing the permission nodes it all made sense.So far I'm loving the plugin![/code][/S]
  17. Offline


    Thank you! Much appreciated. I'll make sure to adjust the settings to reflect this.
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    can u tell me why when i promote ppl to admin it says admin then citizen it says citizen then guest is guest then roamer is guest and mayor is citizen and moderator is citizen and so forth. So why is some the same and others not. I have everything in the right order and even the nodes.
  20. Offline


    Hi, I have got an intresting issue.

    I use mChat in combination with PermissionsEx.

    With my current configuration prefixes are working if i log in onto the server, but if i move to another world (it does not matter if I use multiverse or the Transporter plugin) then the prefixes do not work.

    I was wondering if this is a mChat problem or a PermissionsEx problem, since i created global groups (world = NULL) in the permissionsex database and through /pex user <username> i can see that the group is still correct, just the prefix does not get displayed anymore.

    I tried to add an extra permission 'mchat.prefix.admin' for each world, and it seems to work then, but thats a dirty workaround since i have already added this permission to the group 'admin' globally.

    Maybe you can take a look at this problem, would be nice to hear, that there is a way to fix that :)
  21. Offline


    Could everyone please tell me what they would like to see implemented in mChat. I have been really busy IRL with lots of family related issues. I would like to know what is absolutely needed and what is wanted before I can/will make an official release. I will try to implement anything everyone says please try to respond by tomorrow (Sept 7) or early on the 8th as I have the 8th off and will be doing a lot of programming to catch up and hopefully fix/implement everything that people would like as I dont know how much time later this week/month I will have. Also post on any of my other plugin thread if you would like something added or implemented on there.

    EDIT: If at all possible (Would make my life 100x easier) if you could post the issues/features on the repsective project on my GitHub ( http://github.com/MiracleM4n ) Thanks in advance.
  22. Offline


    I'm having issues with worldnames.

    mchat-message-format: '&8[&e+t&8][+w&8]&f+p +n:+s +message'
        world: '&2W'
        world_nether: '&4N'
        flatlands: '&bFL'
    But instead of displaying "[00:00:00][FL] XAM: Test" its displaying: "[00:00:00][flatlands] XAM: Test"
    Why is that?
  23. Offline

    Boon Pek

    # mChat configuration file
    #           **IMPORTANT**
    #   usage of mchat-message-format is restricted to:
    #       +suffix,+s, +prefix,+p, +group,+g, +world,+w, +time,+t, +name,+n, +dname,+dn, +health,+h +healthbar,+hb, +message,+msg,+m
    #   usage of mchat-name-format, mchat-playerEvent-format are restricted to:
    #       +suffix,+s, +prefix,+p, +group,+g, +world,+w, +time,+t, +name,+n, +dname,+dn, +health,+h +healthbar,+hb
    #           **************
    mchat-date-format: HH:mm:ss
    mchat-name-format: +prefix+dname+suffix&e
    mchat-message-format: '&f+p+s+n&f: +message'
    auto-Changed: 1
    mchat-playerEvent-format: '&e+n'
    mchat-join-message: has joined the game.
    mchat-leave-message: has left the game.
    mchat-kick-message: has been kicked for +r.
    mchat-API-only: false

    When I /kick a player using commandbook, it just shows the Player's name without "has been kicked for +r."

    Any help? :p
  24. Offline


    I have mChat set to display an aliased world name before the players name in the chat window which works fine with all of my worlds apart from those with an '_' in their names. For example the world 'default_nether' appears as 'default Nether' instead of 'Nether'. I have the same problem with 'survival_nether' (appears as 'survival Nether' instead of 'SurvivalNether'). I have set 'worldnameprefix: false' in MultiVerse.

    config.yml - http://pastebin.com/drnCyBNJ
    info.yml - http://pastebin.com/ywghWG09

    CraftBukkit 1060
    mChat v1.7.11.1
    PermissionsBukkit 1.2k

    Any help would be appreciated
  25. Offline


    Who thinks I should kill pulling prefix from their respective plugins and develop a better way to implement it, add native PEX support (Depends on the first question), add a chat censor,....Please suggest more....
  26. Offline

    Boon Pek

    Ehh.... this issue is still not resolved, @MiracleM4n
  27. Offline


    Please, just please! make a good documentation on this plugin before anything else. It will put a serious halt on the flow of "WTH IT DOESNT WORK" posts
  28. Offline


    @floit I will make documentation once all added features are included so if say, I make a video, it wont be outdated in a few days.
  29. Offline


    I'm having a problem.

    prefixes aren't showing up in chat.. but they're showing up when someone logs in on their join message.

    I tried it both ways.. declaring the rank below and the actual rank, AND just having the actual rank declared for the prefix.

    I'm using PermissionsBukkkit with the superperms bridge and mchat. I'm on build 1060.

    Here's my mchat config-

    # mChat Info config
    # Only needed if using PermissionsBukkit, superperms.

    Owner: '[o]'
    Admin: '[a]'
    Donator: '[d]'
    Member: '[m]'
    Guest: '[g]'
    Owner: ''
    Admin: ''
    Member: ''
    Guest: ''
    Owner: '&4[Owner] &7'
    Admin: '&a[Admin] &7'
    Donator: '&9[Donator] &7'
    Member: '&7[Member] &7'
    Guest: '&f[Guest] &7'
    Owner: ''
    Admin: ''
    Member: ''
    Guest: ''
    world: '[w]'
    DtK: '[DtK]'
    Hello: '[H]'
    Nether: '[N]'


    here's my permissions config.

    - Admin
    - Admin
    - Owner
    permissions.build: false
    permissions.*: true
    - Guest
    permissions.build: true
    mchat.prefix.Admin: true
    - Member
    permissions.*: true
    mchat.prefix.Owner: true
    mchat.prefix.Admin: false
    - Admin
    build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.'

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  30. Offline


    I am having the same issue and have spent like 2 hours trying to fix it, i just cant figure it out xD for now i just deleted all but my top four ranks because it only messes up when i add ranks into the mix no idea why though
  31. Offline


    I am about to push 1.7.12 which will include Native PEX support and also fix a bunch of other issues such as: worlds with _'s will now work, Kick messsage (+r,+reason) will now work, Any Permissions Compatibility layers will now work, and more.... I forget...

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