Inactive [CHAT] ChannelChat v0.6 beta - Dynamic, LightWeight, Simple Chat Channels [1.1-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by feildmaster, Sep 20, 2011.

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    ChannelChat v0.6 beta
    Dynamic, Light Weight, Simple Chat Channels​

    Look at the ProjectPage.

    Tag Examples (open)
    Base format: <name> message
    Channel will be "Global" to keep it simple

    no tag: [Global] <name> message

    tag '[g]': [g] <name> message

    tag 'g': g <name> message

    Using Colors:

    tag '`1g': g <name> message

    tag '`1[g]': [g] <name> message

    tag '[`1g`f]': [g] <name> message

    Using Factions:
    no tag: [faction Global] <name> message

    tag '[g][{FACTION}]': [g][faction tag here] <name> message

    "Secret" World Tag:
    tag: '{world}': [WorldNameHere] <name> message
    afistofirony, Zynastor and CubieX like this.
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    Answering his question, yes. There is a way. I just am not going to make it unless I have absolutely nothing else to make. Which will probably be never.
  3. Offline


    quick question, were you planning on adding a private message system?

    I think only command book offers it at the moment.. but for those who won't want to run command book :)
  4. Offline


    I have already been nagging feildmaster for this. :p
    BioRage likes this.
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    Lex Talionis

    @BioRage :
    Feildmaster obviously has a lot of plans in the works, so I don't know what priority he gives this but I'm sure it's on his list. :3
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    Out of the things he has said so far, StaffChannel (or whatever name it has) is my favourite and most needed feature.

    Also @feildmaster, 0.4.5 is missing from the download section in this thread.
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    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
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    How are the chat colors coming along? I know you're taking a break atm.
  9. Offline

    Bradley Hilton

    Look in the orginial post under the spoiler, he hows you how to use colors. `Color code
  10. Offline


    I think he means the chat text colors.

    Haven't made it yet. :) Working on the event refactoring.
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    Presenting the biggest update to date:

    v0.5 beta [download]
    • Added notice of active channel on login
    • Broke all modules! Please update
    • Removed (built in) Factions Support: Use the module!
    • Cleaned files a bit more
    • Complete Custom Event Manager!
    • Fixed a few (module) bugs
    • Added configuration option: "auto-set-on-join" (default: false)
      • Will set your current channel on join
  12. Offline


    Sweet! When can you look into /pm? :)
  13. Offline


    Umm... Give me a couple weeks (maybe longer)!

    *Is on break, setting up new host for my site, transfering my domain, and got to transfer data... Lovely!*
  14. Offline

    Bradley Hilton

    Awesome!!! :) Will the first channel listed still be the default for channel that's default? Or does the "auto-set-on-join" override that?
  15. Offline


    auto-set-on-join is a config.yml option. What this option does is do a /cc set after /cc join. Meaning you will be talking in the channel you just joined!

    So to the first question, yes, it is still the first channel listed.
  16. Offline

    Bradley Hilton

    Ohhhhh!!! That makes sense, awesome! Thanks :)
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  18. Offline

    Lex Talionis

    A tasty 80% on the one I'm waiting for. Thanks for the update!
  19. Offline


    Thanks for the reply. It's unfortunate, I love this plugin but I can't do without different colours for my channels.
  20. Offline


    @Lex Talionis and @Thyrin : How would you prefer channel colors stored?

    channelname: colorname
    channelname: colornumber

  21. Offline

    Lex Talionis

    @feildmaster - If one is as easy as the other, colorname would probably be better. Not everyone who uses the plugin is going to have a clue what the color hex codes are or how to find them.
  22. Offline


    The name would be more annoying to the users, in my opinion... Or I could try and make it as dynamic as possible. I suppose that's an option.
  23. Offline

    Lex Talionis

    @feildmaster - Maybe I misunderstood. Would this color code be used somewhere other than the config.yml?
  24. Offline


    it would be in ColorChat.yml (Modules have their own configuration)

    For a bit off topic news:
    I have taken Residences and ResidenceSigns under my wing. So... More work for me! (Going to concentrate on those a bit, while doing a few of the modules)

    Busy times, busy times. Full (slightly outdated) news here:

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  25. Offline

    Lex Talionis

    @feildmaster - You wouldn't ever have to type it anywhere except in a config file though? I imagine having the longer name might be more annoying to the users if they had to type the whole thing out in a /chat command if they wanted to change a channel color, but not if it was just in the config, especially with something like 'DARK_PURPLE'. I suppose it depends on what you're used to. :3
  26. Offline


    You should add the Towny module link and other links here :)
  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    The Modules require the original CC right? P.S I'm not to familiar with how it adds to Towny Chat? In Normal Towny you can do /tc right? But you do have local chat in CC :)

    Do we remove the TownyChat.jar? The Towny Advanced gives you it's own chat .jar
  29. Offline


    Yeah. You use TownyChannel.jar and it runs through the same parsing that ChannelChat goes through. The normal way. :p
  30. Offline


    Oh okay, so we use both TownyChannelChat, and TownyChannel.jar?

  31. Offline


    "Do we remove the TownyChat.jar?" - Yeah... Only use the TownyChannel module.
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