Chat-Channel Colors plz? (its open source)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by jazzman170, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Can anybody please set up essentials color codes to be compatible with this plugin?

    Its an open source plugin and i want the config part of:

    tag: ' G '

    so i can do this :

    tag: '&4G'

    and it turn that tag for that chat channel to the color code 4 (red i believe).

    I would greatly appreciate it! (Make sure its the dev version tho, older versions are broken for 1.4.6)
  2. Offline


    Instead of using '&', just use a section sign ('§'). Hope that helps.
  3. Offline


    oh i c D: but which sign is that? :confused: and what color codes do i use? the normal ones? so for example, this would work?

    tip: '§4G ' = red "G" channel.
  4. Offline


    § is the java symbol for colours.
  5. Offline


    No, it is not. It is the symbol Minecraft uses for client sided colors.

    And jazzman170 Yeah, it will work as normal. Just replace & with that symbol.
  6. Offline


    Oh...Well yeh :p
  7. Offline


    it doesnt seem to work :(
  8. Offline


    Things not to do:
    Fix or modify current plugins -
    Submit a ticket to that developer on BukkitDev!

    Remember to check the forum rules and headings before posting.
  9. Offline


    Its open source, its allowed.

    Also it hasnt been updated since 1.3.1, so i doubt i would get a reply back from its dev.
  10. Offline


    Are we talking about essentials color codes or the channel-chat? (channel-chat was updated on 30/12/12 - less than a month ago, I would not say that that is an inactive plugin.)
  11. Offline


    oh? perhaps ill see if i can contact its dev then.

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