[CHAT] broadcaster v.0.4 - Send messages in a defined interval [935]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Solaris, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: 0.4 [Compatible with build 935]

    Download: .jar only

    With broadcaster you can easily send messages in a pre-defined time interval.
    This allows you to send announcements even if you are not online.

    • Send messages in a pre-defined time interval
    • Ingame-editable broadcast message
    • Ingame-editable sending interval
    For easy management, broadcaster delivers Permissions-Support (tested with Permissions version 3.1.5).

    How to use
    To set a new broadcast-message, simply type "/setbroadcast [your message]" (without the ", of course).
    To force-send a broadcast, type "/broadcast". This forces broadcaster to send a broadcaster immediately.
    To change the interval, type "/setinterval [milliseconds]".

    Provides the "/setbroadcast"-command and the "/setinterval"-command.

    Provides the "/broadcast"-command.

    Version 0.4:
    - implemented "/setinterval"-command
    - changed "broadcaster.set"-node to "broadcaster.admin"
    - ensured compability with bukkit build 935

    Version 0.3:
    - Releasing this plugin

    Version 0.2:
    - non-public testing version

    Version 0.1:
    - non-public testing version

    Planned features
    - Ingame editable interval [DONE]
    - custom starting time
    - MultiWorld support
  2. Offline


    Thank you, it's very useful for my Server :D
    Solaris likes this.
  3. Offline


    It's not useful for mine. But you should add the ability to change the interval in-game and the starting time. For special needs ;) I think a multiworld-support and a multi-message would be great. So there can be many broadcasts on different worlds. The one for World1 when they get money by an economy-system. The other one for announcements.

    And why do I know the names of both of you ? Vielleicht durchs VB-Paradise :D ? xD
    Solaris likes this.
  4. Offline


    Thank you for comment & advices :) MultiWorld-Support would not be very difficult, so I think I'll add this to my to-do-list. Yesterday I thought about an RSS-feed forwarding feature. But this needs some 3rd party libs and I don't want to deliver 5 .jar's for such a little plugin.

    I think it was a good idea to write down the link to this in my VB-P signature :D

    Update notes:
    broadcaster.set changed to broadcaster.admin!

    If broadcaster created a folder named "solaPlugin", you can delete this folder now (maybe after backing up broadcaster.settings). broadcaster will create a folder named "broadcaster".
  5. Offline


    I don't came here by vb-p ... just by looking through the plugin submission list ;)
    Third party libs for web-connection and xml-parsing ? I don't think so.
  6. Offline


    Can this only do one message?
  7. Offline


    Yes, but the message can be as long as you want. It's planned to provide more messages.
  8. Offline



    A little too many 'announcement' plugins already. As of now, there is no reason for anyone to switch to you plugin if they already of any of these installed. Maybe if you add something interesting, something the rest of these announcement plugins don't have.
  9. Offline


    Huh yeah. I did not look around before start writing the plugin ^^

    But, does anyone have an idea what feature could make mine better? I see, I have a lot of work to do to get my plugin competitive to the existing plugins.

    So, if anyone has an idea for a feature that the other plugins don't have, please tell me :)

    First of all, I will work on the basic features.
  10. Offline


    Update the plugin to latest recommended build and change the title accordingly.
    Failure to do so will result in this moving to INACTIVE section.
  11. Offline


    Great plugin although it would be good to be able to do multiple Broardcasts...
  12. Offline


    download link does not work anymore. :( please update this awesome plugin to 1337 :)
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